Chp 29- Just because someone is taller doesn't mean they're better endowed

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Chp 29- Just because someone is taller doesn’t mean they’re better endowed

“Aria! Where are you?” Amy said looking around the house for her sister. She finally found Aria sitting in one corner with a book propped open on her lap.

“What are you doing?” Amy asked raising her eyebrow.

“Reading up on the Colt, gotta know what it looks like and stuff...” before Aria could finish her sentence Amy pulled her by her collar and started dragging her up the stairs. “Ariadne Croft I want you in the shower right now. You’ve become one untidy, dirty swine staying with these ruffians!” Amy shrieked.

“Oyie! Stop,” Aria said finally getting out of Amy’s grip, “I would have gone to take a bath, but right now the shower is occupied; Dean is using it.”

“Yea and last time there was a moth inside, I’m done with your excuses Aria,” Amy said crossing her hands.

“I wasn’t lying then I’m not lying now either,” Aria said placing her hand on her hip her back towards the bathroom door.

“Oh you never lie Aria, the angel you are,” saying this Amy sprung open the bathroom door. Opening the bathroom door turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes Amy ever made. She flung the door shut even before she had completely opened it, shutting her eyes instantly muttering ‘Oh God no, Oh God no.’

“What?” Aria asked, “What happened Amy?” Aria said turning around to open the bathroom door again. She saw Dean standing inside with a towel barely wrapped around his waist, his cheeks redder than the reddest apple Aria had ever seen.

Aria took a really slow 180° turn and took hold of Amy’s shoulder asking her in a slow soft voice with a hint of laughter in it, “”

“Everything...” Amy barely whispered her eyes still clamped shut, the look on her face of complete embarrassment.

By this time Dean had walked out of the bathroom trying to act all calm about the situation. Aria looked from Dean to Amy and back again, Amy who had just gathered up the courage of opening her eyes, shut them back again at Dean’s sight. Even though Dean wasn’t uncomfortable with somebody seeing him naked, somehow the fact that Amy had seen him this way was making him very uneasy.

All three of them just stood there for a few minutes and suddenly Aria started giggling. Dean tried to walk away with his dignity intact and Amy turned around swiftly and ran down the stairs. Within a split second only Aria was left there catching her side and trying not to laugh out to loudly. Dean popped his head from one of the rooms and gave Aria one of his death stares, she stuffed her t-shirt inside her mouth and walked inside the shower, but soon her laughter could be heard echoing around the house.

Sam sat on the couch eagerly waiting for Aria’s arrival. He didn’t know what had happened but since sometime Dean was acting a bit off and Amy was nowhere to be found. Aria finally trotted down the stairs and the minute she caught sight of Dean a few giggles peeled out of her mouth. “You know they should legally ban giggles,” Dean muttered as he walked out of the house.

Sam raised his eyebrow at Dean’s statement then he scoffed setting it aside for later, “Aria, I can’t find Amy; wonder where she has gone?”

“I dunno, ask Bobby, she doesn’t set a foot anywhere without letting him know. Being the dutiful daughter that she is,” Aria said eyeing Bobby suspiciously.

Bobby murmured softly a barely audible ‘church’.

“You let her leave the house alone? You don’t even let me go to the gate of the salvage yard saying that it’s not safe and you let her freaking go out to the church which is...” Aria outburst was cut short by Bobby stating that the church was just down the lane and he believed Amy could handle herself for a while.

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