Chp 27- Who Would Not React to a Prime Specimen of Rugged Masculine Beauty?

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A/n- Hey guys!! I really loved all your comments. Sorry couldn't post earlier since i had my exams. Okay so here are something I need you guys to do...

1. I've got this sexy cover photo prepared for this book which gives a slight hint about what's going to happen in the story later on. If I get enough love through your comments and votes I'll put that picture up now.

2. Please read this thoroughly, I personally think it's one of my best till date. I can't believe I wrote it ;)

3. please please stick by even if i'm patheticaly late with the uploads :D


Chp 27- What Hot Blooded Woman Would Not React like this to a Prime Specimen of Rugged Masculine Beauty?

The ride back to Bobby's house was a rather queer one; with Sam in one of his worst moods ever while Dean was as puzzled as he could be. Aria was battling mixed emotions while Amy was the happiest soul you could find in the next 5 mile radius.

When they pulled into the drive way Amy was so happy that she alone picked up all the bags that the boys had got and carried them inside. Aria stepped out of the car and tried to follow Amy inside quietly but both the boys caught either one of her arms and seated her on the bonnet of the Impala.

"," Sam said.

" Ummmm....okay. You see the guy that we met at the mall is Antonio Hamilton. He's Amy's childhood friend. Well, friend is an understatement. They were like freaking co-joined twins. Ever since they were toddlers Amy and Antonio have been best friends, if it wouldn't have been so sweet; it would have been nauseating but you can't say it's wrong. The bloke is absofreakinglutely adorable. I mean I wasn't even that great a friend with him but he would still talk to Amy and let me play Tickle Dragon with them...." Aria said getting lost in her train of thoughts.

"TICKLE DRAGON????" Dean asked stopping Aria mid-sentence.

"Yea it was this cool game in which I would be the Dragon, Amy the princess and Antonio would be the prince and he would come to Amy's rescue. If I tried to stop them then they would tickle me till I was out of breath.....relle relle cool game you know...." Aria stopped realising that she was giving away information that she shouldn't, "let's stick to our topic..."

"No no please go on....tickle dragon you say...." Dean said feigning attention.

"But Aria what's this Mia and Tony they had going on?" Sam asked trying to keep the topic on track.

"Oh yeah, don't you ever call Amy Mia or anything like that; that is if you don't want your grave dug up. Those are their special names for each other and only they are allowed to call each other that. Even I can't call them that. These guys were pretty serious about each other; they were like Yin and Yang. Never complete without the other. It was like a match made in the socialite heaven. The thing is, they didn't mind it either. All their teenage years, they would hear people whisper behind their backs about what a cute couple they make and how wonderful this pairing would be and neither one of them denied it. When they realised that our parents would get them married sooner than later; and they both had some dreams which they wanted to fulfil so they decided to maintain a bit of distance in the public eye. However they stayed friends and Sam if this entire mess hadn't happened and you hadn't come into Amy's life I'm pretty sure right now she would be Mrs. Amadea Antonio Hamilton." Aria said finally letting out a deep breath.

She looked up to see Sam's face all scrunched up.

"Hey buddy, listen you don't have to take it so hard. The thing is, she isn't Mrs. Antonio Hamilton. She's still our Amy. All you need to do is buckle up and keep trying to win her back; cause Antonio couldn't have chosen a worse time to shoot right back up in our lives. He's just made it a hell of a job for you to get Amy's attention," Aria said as she patted Sam's shoulder.

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