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After everyone was well fed Amy started with the most dangerous job of her life- cleaning Bobby's house. She started with the kitchen which looked like it hadn't been dusted since a century.

Amy was standing on a stool cleaning one of the kitchen cabins, while Sam sat on the dining table looking at her, failing terribly in his attempt to read his book.

He marvelled at her efficiency, she was so apt at this work. Plus he was sure no one could look as beautiful as her while cleaning the filthiest kitchen in the world. She looked breathtaking to him even while cleaning. He tried to look away at his book or talk to someone in the room but he just couldn't tear his eyes away from Amy.

Aria and Dean were seated in one corner of the room. Dean was teaching her how to clean the guns. Aria set the gun in her hand down and looked around. God! Cleaning guns was a hard job, she thought. While giving a quick glance around the room she noticed Sam looking at Amy.

"Hey Sam??" Aria called out.

"Yeah." Sam answered without looking.

Aria nudged Dean and pointed towards Sam.

"Hey Sam what are you doing?"

"Yeah," he answered dreamily.

"Does Sam Winchester wear makeup?" Dean asked.


"Sam are you watching porn?" Aria quizzed.


"Oh my Gosh your brother's hooked. He doesn't even realise what he's agreeing to," Aria whispered to Dean.

"Sam Winchester thinks his height give him the opportunity to peep at women's boobs," Aria asked.

Again Sam answered with a 'Yeah'. They were not his usual bored yeah but very happy affirmatives as if he was very happily agreeing to all those facts.

Dean had to cover Aria's mouth so that she wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Hey Sam Winchester, want to bang Amy in Bobby's kitchen?" Dean asked.

"Yeah" Sam answered with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"SAM are you really agreeing to all those things?" Amy asked him.

"Yeah," he said again very dreamily.

Amy walked towards Sam who was smiling very cutely.

"SAM!" she said cupping his cheeks her voice full of concern.

"YEAH.....Yeah what?" Sam said; he looked like he had just been brought out of a trance.

"Nothing out of the ordinary Sam, besides the fact that you just agreed that according to you, your height gives you the opportunity to peep at women's boobs and that you want to bang my sister while wearing makeup," Aria said between her laughter.

"Sammy, really, make a move. Don't just sit there gaping at her like a fool," Dean advised trying to choke down his amusement.

"Are you idjits gonna sit here and laugh all day cause I've got a job for you," Bobby said emerging out of nowhere.

Sam and Dean quietly nodded and followed Bobby all humour washed away from their expressions.


The boys had left to go hunting after their small chat with Bobby. No matter how much Aria begged them to take her along they didn't budge. She wouldn't give up easily either. When her begging became unbearable Dean threatened to tell everyone about her dance sequence, this shut her up for good.

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