Chp 13- I was working more on the lines of Lesbian stalkers but demons works too

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Chp 13- I was working more on the lines of Lesbian stalkers but demons works too.

"So Sam, you're saying that three girls in Boston just dropped dead in their dorms. Like dead-dead?"

"How many types of dead do you know Dean? However that's not even the intriguing part...all of these girls dropped dead at exactly the same moment, no wounds or anything, the doors were locked, no sign of a break-in."

"So you think it is our kind of jig?"

"Looks like it."

"Well I don't mind, it's a university. Loads of chicks, just waiting to get some attention and I can give them some...."

"Dean we are going there to work."

"Come on Sammy all work and no play makes Dean a dull Hunter."

Sam just smiled and shook his head.


On reaching the hospital Sam and Dean walked inside with confidence. They headed straight for the morgue. A rather shabby looking doctor in his mid-forties was seated at the desk.

"What now?"

"FBI; we are here for the girls...."

"Everyone's here for the girls," the doctor said interrupting Sam mid-sentence, Dean just chuckled.

"We are here to see those girls who died two days ago."

"You mean the triple trouble case?"

"Yeah that one."

"Follow me," saying this he led them towards the dead bodies.

They looked at the dead bodies of all the three girls; nothing seemed out of place.

"So did you find something peculiar with them?" Sam asked.

"Well there was this one thing that was strange, during the autopsy I noticed that their organs were dead...I mean their organs looked as if they had been dead since the past six to seven months."

"Is that even possible?" Dean asked.

"I have never seen it before but they were young kids, god knows what all sorts of drugs they put in their bodies. I can tell you for sure only after I check the reports. Gentlemen make yourself comfortable, the reports are on their way," saying this he headed out to sit at his desk.

"Alright Sammy let's make ourselves comfortable around these dead bodies."


While Dean and Sam were contemplating the various reasons behind the death of these girls, a young intern walked in with a huge pile of reports tucked under one hand while she read the report held in the other.

"Here are the reports that you need, agents," saying this she started handing the reports without looking at them. The man just dropped the reports. She was really irritated to see that. Bending down she picked up the reports and handed them firmly into the hands of the agent.

"Sorry," was all that the other man muttered.

The voice sounded familiar, she didn't know why but the voice was very familiar. She looked up and couldn't believe her eyes.


"Hey demon and Sam attracting chick whose name is..." Dean said in a surprised tone trying to remember her name.

"What are you doing in Boston?" Sam asked.

"ARIA'S SISTER whose name is..." Dean said clicking his fingers still trying to remember her name.

SUPERNATURAL FANFIC-JUST FOR YOU!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang