Chp 15- She's going to kill me with beauty products.

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Chp 15- She's going to kill me with beauty products.

She loved the way the flowers had bloomed in this garden. The carnations were her favourite. She was surely going to explore the entire place today. No matter how long she stayed there, the garden never got over. However something was disturbing her, a scream of a young girl.


"What?? What happened??" Aria came inside with a trophy shield in her hand ready to attack.

She quickly scanned the bathroom and saw Dean pinned to the wall of the shower with Amy standing in front of him, a toilet brush in her hand.

"'s just you. Glad you people finally met."

At that moment they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get that," saying this Aria walked out least interested in the fight.

She opened the door to see Sam standing outside. Perfect timing she thought, the only person who was missing has arrived. Today their house was gonna turn into something worse that Hiroshima-Nagasaki.

"Come come Gigantore, about time you graced us with your presence."

"Aria is Dean still here?"

"Please follow me and you shall find all the answers to your question," saying this she led him towards Amy's room.

Sam almost tripped over a shampoo bottle as he entered the room behind Aria.

"Sam Duck!!!" Aria screamt.

Before Sam could realise what happened a conditioner bottle missed him by an inch. Dean ran past him screaming something that sounded like-'She's going to kill me with beauty products.'

Amy came out of the bathroom holding the toilet brush in her hand like a sword. She stopped in her path when she saw Sam. He couldn't believe his eyes, there stood Amy, shirtless in her lacy bra and jeans and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Dean decided it was time to break their telepathic connection and wolf whistled.

Dean's whistle broke Amy's thoughts and she again started marching towards him.

"Sissy stop!! You have already hit him with everything in your bathroom. And might I bring to your notice, that you are standing in a bra-in front of Sam," Aria said while catching hold of Amy round her waist.

Amy flushed red as she realised her attire was inappropriate and stormed inside the bathroom.

"Guys let's give her some space. Please come with me."

After a while Amy entered the living room to see Dean and Sam standing at the door with Charming ready to attack them. Apparently on hearing Amy's screams Charming had taken it upon himself to drive these men out of his mistress's house.

"Good boy Charming," Amy said, "At least you have the sense to know who should be let into the house and who shouldn't," she added staring at Aria.

"Puh-lease, give me a break. Dean here is just trying to..."

"How many times do I need to tell you Aria? We don't need them or their help."

"Amadea please try and understand..." Sam said

"You stay out of it, or better; why don't you run away like last time?" Amy said fuming with anger.

"Amy, please keep your personal vendettas aside and listen to me," Aria pleaded.

"Keep quiet. Don't be so naive and believe what they tell you. Now off to your room, I need to deal with them."

"Who do you think you are?? I'm not a kid anymore...stop acting like you're my mom..." saying this Aria stomped out of the house paying no attention to Amy's calls.


Kenneth rushed towards Aria's favourite bench in the park opposite her house. He was used to these mid-night visits. Whenever the sisters had a fight Aria would come here to seek refuge.

"Good morning Sunshine! Couldn't stay a couple of hours without me?" he chided.

"Kenny," was all she muttered as she hid her face in his chest.

"Calm down babe."

Kenneth always had a way of soothing her anger. He wouldn't ask her about the fight, instead he always found some absurd topic to change her mind. Today it was about remodelling her bike as the ghost rider's bike.

"Why on god's Earth would I do that???"

"Come on babes it will be cool. Imagine a skull in place of the headlights."

Aria was laughing her head off when she noticed three people approaching them. Who would come to the park at 4am she wondered. When they got closer she recognised them as the university's janitor, Kenneth's Micro Economics professor and some girl from her Zest Club.

"Damn Professor, are you this eager to read my report on demand forecasting?" Kenneth murmured in her ear.

"Quiet you fool," saying this the janitor flung him off the bench.

"KENNY!!!!" Aria screamed but she couldn't move from the bench.

"I have been waiting for this moment since a long time. You stopped me last time. This time I'll get done with you first, and then I'll deal with your sister," the girl said as she moved towards Aria.

Suddenly a man in a trench coat appeared out of thin air between Aria and the girl. On seeing the man their eyes turned black and they started running. He materialised out of nowhere in front of those three demons and put his palm on their heads. As his palm made contact with their forehead a bright light shone from their eyes and they dropped to the ground lifeless.

Once the man was done with the demons he turned towards Aria. She felt more scared of him than she felt when the demons had been threatening her. The 'trench coat man' caught Aria's hand and she felt as if all the air had been sucked out from around her.

When she opened her eyes she saw that she was standing right in the middle of her living room. Instead of staring at her since she had obviously appeared out of thin air, they were staring at something behind her. Aria turned around and saw that the man was still there; she immediately ran towards Amy and hid behind her.

SUPERNATURAL FANFIC-JUST FOR YOU!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora