Chp 4- Miss may I help you?????

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Chp 4- Miss may I help you????? 

The mustang came to a screeching halt near the shady looking diner. Both the sisters silently got out of the car and walked in, sitting in the corner most booth trying not to attract any attention. The minute Amy sat down her emotional dam broke releasing flood of tears. Aria was exceptionally quite but she couldn't let her guard down; especially when her sister needed her the most. There had to be a logical explanation to what had happened...what should they do now?? 

She was brought back from her train of thoughts by the dull and bored voice of the waitress asking for their order. Looking at her sister Aria realised that she was a emotional wreck. She had put her head down on the table and was silently weeping. The waitress pretended to cough to get Aria's attention to the order. 

"Two dark coffee, less sugar" 

"Anything else to go with that?" 


The clearly pissed waitress stomped away to get the coffee. Aria took Amy's hand and tried to console her. They looked into each other's eyes speaking in their own ways, about the future, their parents, their house, the recent attack... 

The waitress arrived with the steaming cups of coffee. Aria took a sip and thoughtfully looked out of the window. What caught her attention was an Impala. She remembered seeing one at the party. Had it just been hours before that they had been enjoying themselves so much, had been so carefree about their lives. Some thought was trying to catch her attention but she just wasn't in a mood to think about it right now. 

"Aria lets go honey I'm in no mood to drink this horrible excuse for coffee," Amy said in a tiny voice which barely escaped her throat.  

"Okay, can we have the check please??" 

The waitress laid down the bill. Amy quietly gave her a credit card since she had no cash on her. 

"Sorry ma'am we don't take credit cards here." 

"Stop goofing around lady! Who doesn't take credit cards?" 

"Well missy we don't, so beg-borrow-steal...I don't care what you do just get me some cash." 

This was the last straw...Amy couldn't take it anymore. 

"Listen WOMAN I'm not going anywhere to get cash so you've got two options- either accept the darn credit card or shove this horrid coffee up your ass!!!" Amy yelled with tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Miss may I help you?" 

The three women looked up to see a freakishly tall young man standing there with his eyebrows furrowed, a look of deep concern etched on his face. 

"This wonderful human being here is refusing to accept our credit card without any legit reason," Aria said contempt oozing out from every single word. 

"Well didn't you just accept our credit card?" he asked raising his eyebrow.  

At this the b***hy waitress walked away with their credit card. Aria stomped out thinking that if she stays there any longer she will surely kill the dumb waitress. 

"Thank You," Amy muttered to the stranger. 

"No problem. What did you order for such a pleasant treatment?" he asked jokingly. 

"My life is full of crap and she is just an addition to it." 

The waitress returned with the card, Amy took the card muttered another thank you and started to leave. 

"By the way my name is Sam Win..." he said but before he could complete his sentence the girl was already out of the door.. 

What was it about her that made him want to help her? When he had seen her enter the diner her face had screamed out so many things...fear, despair and a heart breaking sadness. Her black eyes sure spoke a lot more than she did. 

"Oyie Sammy let's move on or you will have to sleep in the car again." 

He tried to push the girl out of his mind and headed out to the car. 


Amy stopped the car outside a cheap motel. 

"Do you really think we should stay here it doesn't look good, not safe you know." Amy said thoughtfully. 

"That the plan sissy, black eyed guy won't even guess we are here. You wait here dear I'll go and get us a room." 

"You shouldn't go alone..." 

"With that dress you shouldn't go anywhere, stay here I'll get the keys." Aria said looking down at her torn dress.

Amy saw her sister walk near the reception counter with a bold look on her face, disguising her fear. 

Amy stood outside leaning on her car and saw a car arriving. It was a familiar car, Aria had said its name, what was the name again... ah yes it was an Impala. She noticed a guy get out of it and walk to the receptionist counter as well. She looked back at the car and saw another guy getting out of it. He was the same guy from the diner.  

Suddenly it all came to her and she mumbled, "Oh SHIT!!"


"Excuse me, one room two queens, please." Aria said. 

The man at the counter was a sleazy looking guy who was checking her out instead of listening to her request. 

"Hello Kitten. Why would a girl like you need two queens, I can make a better offer you know." 

"Listen smarty just do what you are told to do... one room two queens..." 

"Oh come on. Don't be so cranky it'll be fun." 

"You ruddy bastard don't try my patience alright or..." 

"Miss, may I help you?" a hoarse yet gentle voice asked Aria.

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