Chp 12-'The Epic Morning Fight Scene!!!'"

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Chp 12-'The Epic Morning Fight Scene!!!'"

The sound of the alarm clock woke Aria up. She quickly got up and started getting dressed for college. If she didn't submit her 'Local Folklore' paper today she would be royally screwed and if she was late for class again then the teacher would probably put her on the guillotine. Also today was going to be special, it was her two year anniversary with Kenneth-her hot, sexy, handsome, charming, smart economics major boyfriend. Why did she always fall short of words while thinking about him? He had been blabbering about some surprise that he had planned since ages and she was excited to see what it was. He was a darling and amazing at giving her awesome surprises.

Aria was just about to leave the house when she heard someone clearing her throat. 'Aww Shucks!' she thought. Aria had been planning to sneak out without having to meet Amy. She didn't want to spoil her mood. It had been almost three years since the incident with the Winchester Brothers, since then a lot of things had changed; one of them being Amy. She was no longer the full of life, happy, bubbly, oh-so-trusting Amy. She had turned into a paranoid freak.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Amy's voice, "Where are you running off to without even letting me know Aria?"

"I wasn't running off, I was going to college because that's what I normally do every day, go to college," saying this she walked out of the house.

This had become a daily routine with Amy, arguing every morning. Aria got onto her bike and headed for college. In the past three year nothing good had happened, the only highlights in her life right now were Kenneth and her bike.

In the past three years the sisters, who couldn't spend a day without each other had fallen apart. Their relationship was hanging on by a thread and it was just a matter of time before the thread broke. They had moved to Boston to study at Harvard. Amy continued with her med school while Aria took up Anthropology.

When Sam and Dean left abruptly, no one had guessed the impact it would have on Amy. She had morphed into a different person altogether. She no longer trusted anybody; her social life was at a minimal. All she cared about was keeping Aria safe and studying. Every night after Aria went to sleep she would put salt on all the windows and doors. Once Aria found out about this and threw a huge fit, ever since that day Amy gets up before Aria to clean up the salt so that she has no clue about it. Amy thought that Aria was her only reason to continue living. She had lost everything else that she held dear. She thought that as sisters they should stick together. Aria on the other hand was tired of her sister who refused social life and clung onto her. In Aria's eyes Amy was an over whelming sister who she wanted some space from.


Amy sat on the couch, 'Charming' her Alaskan Malamute silently sleeping on her lap, it was almost 2am; 'where the hell was Aria?' she thought. She really needs to be home right now. The news Amy held for her wasn't good; well whatever had happened was terribly sad. She glanced at the clock then towards the door. If Aria didn't get back soon Kenneth would have to answer her. On several occasions Amy had been amused to see the effect she had on him. Kenneth the hot-shot tough guy was like a scared little puppy in front of her. She knew he did that because he wanted to be in her good books and she loved the power she held over that boy.

The door slowly creaked open and Amy saw Aria sneaking in silently.

"Aria, no need for that I'm still up..."

Aria just gave her the biggest possible smile and tried to run away to her room.

"Sweetie wait, there's something I want to talk about."

"Listen I'm in no mood to talk, can't we do this in the morning, just like we always do. 'The Epic Morning Fight Scene!!!'"

"Aria I don't want to fight with you. I understand why you are late. It's okay. What I want to tell you is serious. Sit down," saying this Amy went in the kitchen and got a mug of coffee for her sister. Aria's mind was racing a million miles a second. 'What on God's Earth had happened? They hadn't had a decent conversation in days, so was Amy trying to end the fights or was it something else. God this didn't feel right.' She looked up at her sister while taking a sip of her coffee.

Suddenly she realised- "Waittttttttttt!!!! You are dating someone? Or better you are moving out because you are silently dating someone......!!!!!!! AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEE!!!!!!!!"

Amy had thought that Aria wouldn't be sober but this was a bit worse than she had expected, she and Kenneth would talk about this later. Right now there were more pressing matters at hand, she waited for Aria to finish her coffee and then she said, "Aria I have some bad news for you, dear. Emily, Debra and Sherry were found dead in their dorms."

Aria dropped the coffee mug; she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

" way....I just met them in the evening....they can't be dead."

"Hon, I know it's hard to process but they were found at around 9pm in their dorms....dead."

Aria had already started walking towards the door.

"Aria stop! It's no use going right now. You can go in the morning."

"No Amy, I have to go, please don't stop me. I have to be there with the others," saying this Aria ran out.

Amy quickly called Kenneth. He picked her call up on the first ring, he always did.

"Hello Kenneth,"

"Hello Ma'am. I'm so sorry I asked her not to drink so much but....."

"Shut up Kenneth. Aria has gone to the dorm to meet her other friends, you must have heard by now what has happened. Go to her, support her and bring her back safely in the morning."

"Yes ma'am. I'm on my way there already. Thank you ma'am."

Their conversations had always been like; Aria had once kid about it saying that their conversations sounded like an Army Major talking to his Soldier. Amy shook her head and tried to go to sleep.

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