[5] Concerto

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Story words count: 1565
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"Today is our last activity before preparing for the next album. We'll be back next year in February," Bruno informs the interviewer.

Vento Aureo is currently doing an interview session on a music program on the national television channel.

"Congratulations! The new album will be Vento Aureo's fifth album, right?"

"That is right," Bruno nods, chuckling a little, "Though it will officially be called our sixth album."

"Vento Aureo doesn't have the fourth album! Four is bad!" Guido cuts in, the interviewer laugh. Forcings herself to laugh to be correct.

"We believe that Fugo, composer Pannacotta, will be the one to make the album as well?"

"Yes, I will be in charge of making this album," Fugo confirms with a small smile. Another forced smiling of the day.

"May we know what kind of album it will be?"

"That is still a secret," The composer humbly answers, "We will announce it on our Gram next week."

"I'm sure fans can't wait for the live next week!"

"Expect it to be awesome and unexpected. Our composer is preparing new things!" Narancia exclaims.

"I will be helping on the lyrical this time. Please wait for it," Giorno also informs.

"Now I'm getting curious! We'll wait for Vento Aureo's new album!"

After a few chats, the segment ended with a special last performance from Vento Aureo. They play their last title track from their last album, Sex Pistols. One of the few songs that not made by Fugo.

"She's late," Leone says when they did removing the small mic from their clothes. Ready to leaves the television building.

"She's always busy," Giorno adds, "Why don't we go wait in the basement parking lot?"

The others agreed. They march to the basement parking lot to find you making calls while leaning to the van. Not realizing they're coming from behind you.

"I've sent the payment for this month. No, no, this is the littlest thing I can do. I understand. I don't know. Thank you for everything, Dr. Tiziano. Yes, see you."

"Who is that?"

"Wha--Oh, God, Narancia," You shoves the phone to your pocket as if nothing happened. "Why don't waits for me on the front?"

"Was that the production team?" Giorno asks since they have a meeting with them after this.

"She said doctor," Fugo cuts in, his sense of hearing can be scary sometimes, "That was not the production team."

"Are you sick, y/n?" The leader concerns, feeling guilty for no reason.

"Oh, no, no," You waves hands by your chest, "That was my little sister's doctor."

"Sorry," The bassist bite his tongue.

The others are getting gloomy expressions over their faces too.

"Don't worry about it, Fugo. Come on, get in the van. The production team are waiting."

"Doppio will be in charge of the comeback this time," Squalo, one of the production team, announce as soon as the meeting starts.

You and the rest of the team who were already in a bad mood because the ex-manager is suddenly there, become furious.

"That's why he's here?" You slam the table, "I thought he's in the marketing team now." Refusing to address him.

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