Chapter 10

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Kassir climbed to the top of the bed and laid his little body on top of mines. I smiled down at him wrapping my arms around him kissing his head. My little prince , everyone says he's bad but he not that bad around me. I do have to beat his ass sometimes but it's never a lot. He's just a little out of control because when he was younger everyone wanted to play rough. If you play rough with a child , they get older and they'll think they supposed to be that way with you. I know I was play fighting with my baby but that wasn't an all the time thing. Every once in a while and it's not like I taught him it. It was my brother who taught him how to fight anyways.

They made my child this way but then nobody wants to watch him. Assholes I swear. After laying there in the quiet for a little bit I started to hear soft snores. Indicating that he fell asleep. I'm not tired so I laid to my side and laid him on the bed. He rolled onto his stomach and I pulled the blankets on top of him. I got out of the bed leaving out the room. I heard loud noises coming from downstairs and of course when I came there it was a sight to see.

Keyonna sat on the couch holding her daughter who was around the same age as Ashton. I believe she's one or two years younger than him. My mom said both of us have to sit and talk like women. Keyonna doesn't know King is back and right now King doesn't want her to know. I was informed that it would be nice for my son to know he has a sister. I fixed my shorts I had on then walked over to the couch sitting across from her.

"Hello Ashley." She said with sort of an attitude. I chuckled looking behind me to see Ashton walking into the house with my mom.

"Oh great you're both here. Now I want you to talk like women. You two are 27 years old , a little too damn old to be acting like children. Ashton is about to be eight and Athea is about to be seven. Think about them." My mother pushed Ashton my way and he fell into my arms kissing my cheek. I smiled down at my love and I nodded , my mom was right like always.

"I do not have a problem with Ashley nor do I have an issue with her child. It's just I wanted King and she had him. I thought me having King's child would have made him want me more and not her. I didn't know she had a baby by him at first." Keyonna explained.

"Well , when I found out about you. We were working on baby number two. After I left him up found out I was pregnant with his daughter." I replied to her previous statement.

"I thought you only had Ashton." She furrowed her eyebrows and I chuckled softly.

"No my princess is with her auntie and cousin right now. Then my youngest son is upstairs , I only had the boys before you popped up."

"Well I didn't know. King used to feed me lies telling me he wanted me and he was going to leave you. " I bit my lip trying not to respond cause little did she know. He's been in my bed the last two months.

"We aren't here to talk about this. The past is the past, your daughter looks just like my Ashton. She's pretty aint she Ash." I ran my hand through the hair on his head.

"Nope, she don't look like my daddy." Ashton raised his eyebrows at the little girl who stood before him.

"Excuse me?" Athea looked at Ashton like he was crazy.

"You heard me. My daddy ain't your daddy and you're not my sister. I have one brother and one sister that's it. So you can go one girl." My son has the deepest New Orleans accent.

"Ashton stop that is rude. She is your dad's daughter and she is your sister so be respectful. She's going to be around more."

"I don't want her around because she ain't my sister !" He yelled and ran up the steps to his room. I twisted my lips sighing slightly.

"I'm sorry, my daughter and other son might be up to meeting her Keyonna. Ashton has never been the friendly type."

"It's okay , I'm didnt expect him to be all open to her." Keyonna slightly frowned and I sighed.

I honestly do hope it works out when her daughter meets Kassir and Kashmere.


"King put me down !" I screamed laughing and holding onto his his arms. He spun around swiftly gripping my butt in his hands at the same time. I giggled when he stopped spinning and he dropped onto the bed.

"You always screaming. Your mom gone think I'm hurting you or something."

"She not gone think I'm being hurt shut up. I figured out what I wanted to do for our date baby." I stayed seated on his lap.

"How about you tell me what happened with Keyonna earlier first?" I sucked my teeth shaking my head no. He sighed and removed his hands from around me.

"Babe I don't want to talk about that right now. I want to talk about what we're going to do okay? I want to go to an indoor water park and it's one about an hour away from here."

"You sure that's what you want to do?"

"Im positive and then after that we can go to this place that lets you make your own pizza. We are going to have so much fun." I smiled rightly and he returned it.

"When we going ?"

"A couple days from now." He nodded again and then looked at me.

"Now tell me what Ash did?"

"He snapped on your daughter.. Like full blown snapped on her because he didn't believe she was his sister. I tried getting him to talk but you know who stubborn he is."

"I might have to talk to him because she his sister. Trust me I got a test done an she looks like me."

"Then talk to him bae." He stood up setting me on the bed then walked out the room.

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