Chapter 07

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I sat behind Ashley listening to her trying to comprise with a mad Kassir. He can't even say too many full words but yet he's over here getting mad. Apparently Elijah wouldn't allow him to play with Vanessa because he's too rough, but Kassir believes he should be able to play with her because that's his cousin. These two are out of control , Im pretty sure Nessa a little bad ass just like Kassir.

"Kas listen to mommy okay ? You're a boy and Vanessa is a girl. If you're being too rough with her then you will not be able to talk to her. Everyone isn't as tough as your sister." All I heard was whining before I heard the sound of the line going dead. Ashley sighed running her fingers through her hair then turning to me. "What I go through with that little boy ?"

"And you don't beat his little ass ? I would kick his ass for doing some shit like that. You too soft on them , you need to be yelling and putting them in their place."

"I know I should but I'm scared yelling a them will have them hating me. I never want to hear my child say they hate me or anything in that nature. I don't want Kassir to think I'm a bad mommy because I won't let him do what he wants. I try to discipline them and make sure they know I'm only doing it so they can act better."

"Well I'm back now, you can continue to be good mommy and I'll sit there and out them in their place. Tjey can't talk to you anyway they want or think it's okay to walk all over you. Its okay daddys home now. I'll change all that once I get back into their lives."

"How would you even know if they'll listen to you? They don't know you and the don't even listen to my dad or Elijah. when I told him we were coming there early this nigga rally rejoiced and yelled thank you Jesus. My kids can not be as bad as they think they are."

"Ashley they're our kids, they're as bad as we think they are." she nodded then turned to me. "Are you ready to talk to Ashton ?"

One question that's been asked for the last two days. I don't think I'm ready , my son damn near hated me when I was doing dirty before. I can't expect him to run into my arms yelling dad and pretending this shit ain't happen. I want him to know I'm not going no where this time. It might take a while for him to actually forgive me but I want to at least try.

"I think so." I mumbled resting my hand on top of my head looking out into space. "You think he'll hate me ? Shit is hate me ... I just want him to know I'm going to be there for him no matter what."

"You have to explain that to him. He's really depressed and if you can change that to make him happy like he was before Id be grateful. No matter what I do he's been sad and lost. No one could take your place but someone who came close to filling your spot was Ant. Every time Ant comes to visit , his whole mood changes and he is so hype to see him. He's talking a lot and having so much fun with him."

"Maybe he saw me in him or whatever." I shrugged and she laughed.

"You two look just a like , it's just his face is a little stronger. Plus he wants a father so for him to act like you did with him , it shows much he misses you. I think he will take it easy and be okay with you home. Hopefully he do."

"What time do we leave here ?" She grabbed her phone looking down at it.

"Ten minutes."

"How about we go now because I want to beat traffic and I would not like to miss our flight." She scoffed standing up and going to grab her bags. I did the same and we both made our way out of the hotel room.

We went down to the cab putting the stuff inside them jumping into the backseat. The driver pulled off down the street swiftly speeding past a bunch of cars. He was pretty good with his driving if I must say so myself. I love driving I can't wait Til I get them to move down here with me and drive my own car. Shits nice and brand new , plus the seats has Tvs so the kids can watch if we go some where.

I didn't tell Ashley I bought a house and car for the family. That'll be the surprise I give her when we move down here Hopefully she wants to get out of Nola for good this time and stop coming back. I can't stay there long because I don't want people to know I'm alive and kicking. I seriously left for some reasons and some I can say but the others I can't. If these guys were to know I was alive it'll be me and my families head. That's why I'm going to try my best to get them to move with me.. and soon. very soon.

We got to the airport to hear our flight being called. We grabbed our thug and raced to the terminals. We checked our bags , gave the lady our tickets then walked out asses down the hallway looking thing before we got to the plane.

Our seats were right next to each other thank god. If they weren't then someone would have been switching with me tonight and would have been mad. I don't like sitting next to people I don't know on the plane. I believe the whole ride my mind will be on my kids , I'm scared to see how they'll react.

The plane ride was quiet and relaxing, but I was happy when it came to a stop. When we were able to get off I swear I probably ran off. This isn't new, I hate plane rides most times. I usually take sleeping pills depending on how long the flight is this time
I couldn't take any because Ashley wouldn't let me.

The ride to the house was pretty tense. We had to pick the kids up from Elijah's house. I wanted to see them first before I went to get cursed out by her parents. The closer we got the more nervous I became. Ashley would chuckle when she noticed how sweaty my palms were.This is mad funny to her but it's really nerve wrecking to me she just doesn't really get it.

We pulled up in front of Elijah's house and got out of the car. Ashley walked inside first , I didn't even go through the door. The kids bum rushed her hugging her legs when she got through the door. Of course Ashton's eyes wandered past his mother and they landed on me. He just... looked at me like he seen a ghost. He walked past his mom coming outside to me. I kneeled down and he came over to me touching my face. His eyes instantly started to water and her jumped onto me clinging onto me for dear life.

"Daddy daddy daddy." he cried stuffing his face in my neck. I stood to my feet holding him tightly kissing his forehead. "I missed you I knew you wouldn't leave me forever."

"I would never." I whispered rocking from side to side. Ashley turned around to look at us, a smile formed on her face and I sighed in relief.

"You have a lot of apologizing and making up to do dad. I deserve a lot of answers to questions." I chuckled setting him into his feet.

"I'll give you every answer you want Ash."

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