Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!


When Kei woke up, he immediately knew something was wrong. For one thing, he was still in the covers, but he was shivering badly and for another, he had a scratching at the back of his throat which he definitely didn't have before.

Cursing his bad luck for getting a fever, but also thankful it was a weekend, Kei pulled the blankets over his head, then snuggled under and hoped his shivering would stop. As he tried to change sides, the doorbell sounded and Kei realized that is what must have made him wake up.

Grumbling, Kei stayed under his covers. His mom was supposed to be home today, and besides, he couldn't remember anyone who was supposed to visit. None of his teammates would visit him on a weekend and even if they did, they would have definitely called beforehand.

Hearing the doorbell ring a couple more times, Kei forced himself to get up, doing so with difficulty, and head downstairs. He was still shivering, even with the blanket on his shoulders and had to hold on tightly to the banister.

Opening the door, he prepared himself to glare his hardest at the person who woke him up, until he actually opened the door and suddenly remembered who was supposed to visit.

Kuroo stood in the doorway, a bag in one hand and his phone in the other. He was lowering his phone from his ear, and Kei guessed Kuroo was about to call him. Kuroo's confused expression gave way to worry and in a second he had stepped up to the doorway and had taken a hold of Kei's arm to steady him.

Kuroo asked,"Kei? What happened to you?".

As Kuroo helped him back inside and closed the door, Kei answered," I got drenched when coming home last night during to the sudden rain. Could be from that."

Kei's voice sounded horrible, raspy with barely any volume but it still hurt to speak and he winced at the pain. Seeing so, Kuroo, already having taken off his shoes, took his arm and carefully guided him up the stairs.

It wasn't Kuroo's first time at Kei's home, not by any means. The older had been a semi regular visitor in their home for almost a year now. Ever since they had gotten together, both Kei and Kuroo visited each other on the weekends. Once it will be Kei and the next it would be Kuroo.

As a result, Kuroo being here was a familiar sight, and even last night they had talked about Kuroo's visit the coming day, but in the morning, Kei seemed to have forgotten about it completely.

Kuroo took him up to his room and carefully helped him to lie down on the bed, wrapping his covers around him tightly again. Kuroo sat down at the edge of the bed, putting a hand on Kei's forehead and then quickly taking it away.

He seemed to get more worried and said," Your fever is too high at the moment. Where do you guys put the thermometer?"

Barely able to voice anything, Kei somehow managed to tell Kuroo, who, thankfully, seemed to understand at once, and left the room in search of it. He came back with the thermometer and a wet cloth. He took Kei's temperature and whatever he saw seemed to make him a little bit relieved.

He said something about the fever not being as high as he had feared, and put the wet cloth on Kei's forehead. Kei sighed at that, it was a welcome change against the hot and cold feeling.

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