Chapter Twelve: Cinq Heures

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EnderOni, Loop One

Chapter Twelve:

Cinq Heures


Brice kept his breathing calm, his hand touching the walls so that he knew at least a bit of where he was going. Again, he had never seen any floor other then the first, but he had a pretty accurate mapping in his head of the other floors, mainly to what he's overheard from others. Actually, pretty much everything he knew was from what he heard. He did know what the Oni looked like from being attacked, but the deaths were only to be imagined, as well as the emotions on everyone's faces.

Brice was able to find the stair case, but instead of going up, he found himself going downstairs. A mental image of the first floor came into his head, and he found himself having an easier time walking. His hand still touched the walls, but his feet moved without what felt like tons of extra weight. He found the corner, and knew now that he was in the middle of the three hallways, and in front of the front door. This is where he was told Ant died. He couldn't see it, but the 1 on the wall was still there. The numbers never left. None of the blood ever was cleaned.

Brice turned the corner to walk down the hallway to the enchantment room. He remembered the room looked like a mess, and what was originally scared him off into running into the Oni. Brice continued walking forward, hand on the wall, when out of nowhere, he bumped into something, At first, he stepped back, tense and wondering if maybe it was the Oni. But, no, he heard a voice.

“W-Wha? Brice! What are you doing out here!?” It was Tyler, journal in hand, walking back from the enchantment room.

“O-oh, Tyler.” Brice spoke, sighing.

Tyler looked upset, and Brice could tell, but he ignored it.

“I'm sorry I startled you. But you left me alone, and I realized I wanted to help.” Brice said.

“H-help? You're putting yourself in danger out here! All alone!” Tyler barked.

“That's what you're doing too, isn't it. You went out by yourself. Didn't you think that hey, maybe you'd never return to the safe room either?” Brice asked

“Brice, Listen.” Tyler knew he was at fault, but wasn't going to argue on that. “You can't see at all. You're disabled, and the Oni is far more powerful then even what we understand him to be at the moment.”

Brice took offense to that.

“I can't see, but that does not make me any less able to work to finding an escape. I know you didn't mean it that way, but I want to help. And you told me that I could. So that's what I want to do.” Brice replied.

“Did you leave the safe room knowing that maybe, just maybe, you could die? Become a mess for us all to find. Become a loss of hope. Become a despair to us?” Tyler frowned.

“Yes, I did.” Brice said, his hand that touched the wall shaking a bit. “I did, but I did it with the intention of helping. Sure, I may not be the best when it comes to looking for a way, but maybe, just maybe, you'd need to see things another way to find the way out. Our attempts so far havn't worked. So it's either try and fail or try and die trying. And I'd rather risk myself for my friends then continue to watch them all die.”

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