ch. twelve

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"I've been having a hard time adjustingI had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"I've been having a hard time adjusting
I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting



(final warning for entirety of book)


"My name is Lily and I am an addict." The words don't feel like my own. They shouldn't be my own. I'm physically sick to my stomach.

"Hi Lily." The small group of warm-hearted, soft-smiled people greet me. This is a sick reality that I wish never was. This isn't who I am at all. I don't even eat junk food, so to be addicted to drugs?

"My poison of choice was heroin. I was in a manic state for three months and somewhere along the line I met my drug lord, ex-fiancée and the rest was history. It sounds like a bad movie, really. I really wish it was. It's been a month and half since and this is my first meeting. I didn't miss it at first, honestly I didn't even know I was a user. As time passed and memories randomly appeared is when my body ached for more. It was so dumb, I had to get into contact with the woman whom I was engaged to but didn't even know. I had no clue what was making me so sick and what I had the most consuming itch for. My boyfriend is very supportive and has been by my side every moment that he isn't working. I got my old job back and life is just as it was before I lost my way. I've never been happier. It's not perfect but that's what makes is so amazing. I honestly just wish I wasn't an addict, as fucked up as that sounds." The skin of my bottom lip is bitten raw by the time I'm finished talking and I feel so sick to my stomach despite my somewhat uplifting words.

"You know, that's not bad for a first meeting. The first step is always admitting you have a problem. With time it won't hurt as bad, I can almost promise you that. Although, I don't really do promises. You're lucky." A girl in the crowd speaks.

"Julia, I don't really think that remark was appropriate for this situation." A man, I think named Logan, says.

"It's fine, really. With that, I think it's my queue to leave. I'll be back on Friday, promise." I excuse myself and walk with my head low out the door. It took a lot to share and the nerve of that girl to comment on it like I asked for reviews.

"Hey, Honey." Harry is waiting for me in his car and greets me sweetly. 

"Hi." My voice is frail, weak. Much more than I'd like. I don't want him to worry any more than he already does. I don't think he has seen me the same way since our emotional exchange in Houston.

"Do you still want to go to Naomi's tonight for New Year's, babe?" It's a touchy subject, for sure. After we got back from Houston I spent even more time away from the people I adore. Two weeks detoxing and working towards recovery in a local mental institution. Somewhere along the line I also got diagnosed with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder. It's been hard coping with such a diagnosis but I do my best to push forward.

oh, to dream ||  harry stylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang