ch. thirteen

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"And she means everything to meYes she means everything to meShe means everything to me"

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"And she means everything to me
Yes she means everything to me
She means everything to me"




"I'm nervous for tomorrow." She sighs, leaning back into my lap. "I mean, what do baristas even do? And how do they know so much about coffee? And they're so perfect at like everything? What exactly is espresso? Ugh, I'm going to be New York's worst barista." She groans in despair, rubbing circles on her temples far too aggressively. I pull her hands down to her chest and rub soothing circles into her palms.

"You're gonna do great! I promise. I've heard Cassie is kind of strict on being on time but that's about it. An old friend of mine, Mina, works there and she loves it! Word is she's going to be promoted to manager and that Cassie is going to open another shop down the coast. I got connections, sweetheart. Don't stress your sweet little heart about it, alright?" I try my very best to ease her anxieties. She is so much more capable than she gives herself credit for.

"I just want to be good at something." She huffs and my heart drops. Being let go from the dance studio, again, was very hard on her and it's taken her months to recover. She wanted to work long ago but I assured her I made enough money to support us both. She gave in and has been resting ever since.

"I mean this in the least cheesy way possible, but babe, you're good at everything you do. First days always suck, you know that. My first day at my job, back when I didn't work from home, I spilt my tomato soup all over my new work shirt. I was devastated and I cried to my mum on the phone for like an hour when I got home. Shit happens. I love my job now and it's a laugh me and my coworkers share. They're gonna love you instantly. I don't know one person who hasn't loved you from the moment they met you." Truth be told, the tomato scenario haunts me and I haven't had it since but it really is a funny story we like to talk about in office.

"What do you do?" She asks with wondering eyes. I can see the wheels turning behind them, her eyebrows so furrowed they practically touch.

"I write." She knows I write, I've got hundreds of journals scattered around the place. Although, I will give her credit because of how little I talk about my work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I'm so proud of what I write but having the love of my life read what I write makes me feel... icky.

"What kind of stuff do you write?" She's so vulnerable with me, the least I could do is tell her what I do..

"Well, technically I'm a screenwriter but I do write some other things too. I write for local theatres, I've written a couple of slogans, even written for Ariana Grande once." I shrug and her mouth drops wide.

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