Chapter 19

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sorry for not updating, i'm finding it really hard to get any motivation but ill keep trying. I think after I finish this movie, i'm going to take a couple week break, and then start again, because honestly I have not planned further then the end of this chapter.

I watch carefully as the chitauri invade the city, wincing at the screams of the humans. me and my father walk up to the edge of stark tower, transforming into our battle armor. I almost laugh as I see the goat horns upon my fathers head, although they've always been there, they are slightly ridicules. the scepter also turns into a long staff.

I hear a gust of air as Thor arrives.

"Loki" he yells, getting my fathers attention. "turn off the tesseract, or I'll destroy it." he says pointing his hammer at said object.

"you can't" my father replies. "there is no stopping it. there is only the war."

"so be it." Thor says. before my father jumps down swinging the staff at his adopted brother. Thor moves out of the way, and swings his hammer around, but it hits the staff. he twirls away and my father swings the staff, missing before swinging it around behind him and blasting at Thor. the blast hits the hammer and gets deflected. they swing at each other and  somehow a letter gets knocked of off the tower. I just stand there keeping up my purple shield around the tesseract, I soon recognize the other avengers entering the city. my father and Loki continue fighting while stark and the others pick off more chitauri. but it matters little, they will just keep coming, soon the earth will belong to my father, and thanos will get his stones.  soon the avengers come to deal with my father, but a blast from the scepter takes them down. I realize that the fight is getting to intense down hear, and I needed to head up to the tesseract. once up there I watch as the fight continues down below me.

eventually my father gets on a speeder and chases after the widow, and he almost has her, before the bird gets in the way. the arrow, though caught, blew up in my fathers hand. I watch as he lands on the walkway below me, and widow makes it to the roof. I turn to face her readying myself for a fight. I grab my daggers and get into position. she comes at me and I turn to dodge, but she anticipated this, turning with my movement and getting several punches in. I swing around and manage a decent sized cut on her check and shoulder, before she has me down on the ground. I try getting up but a knee to my face is all I get. I hear a crack from my nose before my vision goes fuzzy. the last thing I see is my shield dropping from the tesseract.

My vision comes to, and I look up to see widow with my fathers staff about to close the portal, and stark taking a missile into the portal. I stand up as fast as possible and run for widow, but its to late. she gets it in right before I hit her.

"NOOOO" I scream as I watch everything we worked for fall to pieces. Evan stark survives. the widow notices me and I realize that I have to leave, there was nothing left for me on midgaurd. I jump down and find my father stunned on the ground. I run over to him and hug him for what may be the last time. he looks at me still breathing hard and unable to move.

"I have to go, he wants me back. I'm so, so, so, sorry." I choke out, starting to cry. "I hope to see you again some day. good bye father." I say, I watch as widow comes through the window probably to apprehend me. I kiss my father on the forehead and then teleport  back to Thanos. I find his chair, the back facing me. I kneel quickly.

"hello daughter" his voice says, the tone heavy and full of remorse. I swallow what little spittle is left in my mouth.

"Father" I force out.

"why is it, that you failed." he asks.

"we underestimated the humans, an easy mistake, if we could just attack them again with more troops, I know I could do it." I say begging for as little punishment as possible. he only chuckles.

"daughter you have failed me, there will be no more chances  for the prince, but for you there is redemption." he says. I then feel it, the pain beyond everything and anything. the unbearable bone breaking force, sending me to what I think was the floor, but my eyes were closed as tight as they would go. I lose all sense of time and space and find myself in an infinite world of torture. and then it was gone. I was lying on the floor of the room my breathing hard, my throat raw from what could only have been my scream. tears leaking out of my eyes.

"I did not want this daughter, but you must be the best. there has been a request for my help. you will go with gamora and nebula to help, do not fail me again."

Ok, so now that I wrote the chapter I do have a plan-ish. I know the next movie i'm going to do, but not much after that. we have officially finished two movies now, and 19 chapters plus an authors note.  again sorry if I down update soon, also I know Thor the dark world happens before guardians of the galaxy, but im changing it a little bit. hope you guys are safe and well,


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