Chapter 7

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my father and I teleport away from midgard rather quickly. we land back in the library just before noon. I change my clothes into my asgardian were, which is like my fathers, just in the colors purple and black. I sit down on the sofa and watch my father pacing. I can tell he's thinking really hard about something. he glances over at me a few times. starting to get bored, I levitate a book over to me and start to read the tales of amazing asgardian's.

"I love you Natt" I hear my father say. I look up and see he has stopped pacing. slightly confused I nod my head.

"I love you to dad" he sits down next to me and puts his head in his hands.

"I messed this up bad."

"you saved Asgard. maybe it could have gone better, but it could also have gone a lot worse."

"if father had just realized what Thor would have done."

"its not your fault he had favorites." I say, I lean into him and let my head rest on his shoulders. he smiles and wraps an arm around me. I kiss his cheek before standing up.

"I am going to my room to freshen up, and then I am going to take a walk in the gardens." walking away, I make sure I levitate the book up to its correct place. once I get to my room, which is completely purple and gold, I find that lunch has been dropped of for me. after taking a shower and changing into a dress, similar to grandmothers just a dark purple ( if you cant tell yet, my favorite color is purple.) the gardens are bright and full of beautiful flowers, and I come here whenever I need to clear my head. there is a small secluded part of the garden I like the most, in that corner there are no roses or tulips or any other normal flower, instead there is only a small bird bath, and a little bench. the spot was made for me by Thor when he found out how much I liked watching the little birds fly around. I think back to my childhood, and though my father was always showing me affection, I find that I always valued when Thor did anything to make me happy, maybe because I knew I was the only one he ever did it for.

I sit down and zone out after a while. I don't even notice Sif approach me. only when she sits down beside me do I startle out of my trance. she chuckles before looking at the rest of the garden.

"you miss him  don't you?" she asks.

"yes, but this is what's best for Asgard."

"and why is that."

"because he is not ready to rule, he is not selfless, or willing to put peace above war."

"true. but your father would have been there to advise him."

"Sif, you don't truly think he would listen to my father on matters of war." I say. she chuckles at this remark.

"no, no, I don't." I smile at that. "but it is unfortunate, Odin will eventually let him back." It is now that I realize she doesn't know that Odin is asleep. I nod my head before asking a question.

"am I a monster." she looks at me and hugs me, taking the older sister figure I always though of her as.

"no Natt, you will never ever be a monster."

"even though I can turn blue, and hurt you in a second?" I ask.

"no, because you would never hurt someone willingly." she says.

"thank you." I say before standing up and heading back into the palace. I head to my room but before I get there I hear my fathers voice in my head.

Natt come to my room

ok father

I respond before entering his chambers instead of mine. I find him standing at the balcony overlooking the gardens.

"what you said earlier about it not being my fault," my father says, not looking at me. "you were right." I let out a breath I was holding.

"Odin never understood you father, don't let that get to you." I say. he nods his head but doesn't look back at me. instead I walk up to him.

"it wasn't my fault." he repeats.  "it was Laufey's." I step back in shock. he was blaming the frost giants for Odin's favoritism. and then I start to think harder, if Laufey hadn't left his son out in the cold, had cared for his son, Loki would be the next king of Jotunheim, rather then falling in Thor's shadows every day.

"I will let Laufey into the kingdom, get him to try and kill Odin. I will then kill him myself, and have a reason to destroy Jotunheim." he says, turning from the window and walking into his room. I follow him, still trying to grasp what he was saying.

"father, don't you think this is going a little far?" I ask trying to reason with my father, because though I hate the frost giants there's no way my father can destroy an entire species.

"it is his fault my daughter will have to suffer ridicule every day." after he says this I know there is no reasoning with him. He is doing this for me, so that I can live a normal life, one that he has now been denied. I then only had one worry.

"even if its not, you cant destroy all of Jotunheim you don't have that power."

"no but the Bifrost does."

so basically this was just a filler chapter, explaining what goes on next. sorry it was so short. I may have a few more of these, but I don't think there's another one for this movie. there will be plenty between Thor and Avengers though. I had almost no trouble writing this, and it was the perfect time for character development. I would love to hear what you all think about the story.


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