Chapter 3

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Dedicated to Mariay523 for adding my story to her reading list, thanks so much!

I raced down the rainbow bridge trying to reach the palace as fast as I can. there aren't many citizens in the streets, which makes it easier for me. I reach the golden doors, and hop off the beautiful horse.  I hand the reins off to a guard before running inside as fast as I can. I see Odin on his throne he sees me coming and stands up. I finally reach his throne panting and out of breath.

"what is happening, Natt stjerne"  He says, using my full name.

"Thor has convinced Sif, and the warriors three to go to Jotunheim. My father went along to make sure they don't get into trouble."

"why was I not alerted earlier"

"they dragged me down to the bridge with them, I got back here as fast as I could."

"are you sure you could not have gotten hear earlier? for it may be to late"

"I have not yet mastered teleportation, and I think Thor hasn't created to big a mess yet."

"very well, come let us see what has happened."

"of Course, grandfather." I say. He looks at me, and then starts walking through  the castle. He reaches the door, and his horse Sleipner, my half brother. please don't ask. is already there. when he reaches the Bifrost he takes his horse through and is there for several minuets. I don't know exactly what went on, but my guess is that Thor wanted Odin to help him, Odin said no, tried to make a treaty with Laufey, somewhat failed, and then opened the Bifrost again. obviously both Thor and Odin were not very happy with each other. I stand just outside the Bifrost observing there conversation.

"Why did  you bring us back?" Thor yells at his father.

"Do you realize what You've done? what you've started?"

"I was protecting my home."

"You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom. get him to the healing room! Now!" Odin is talking so fast, he only does that when he is truly angry.

"There wont be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act." I notice that Heimdall much like me, is just observing the conversation. I nod at Sif and the Warriors three, who are taking Fandral to the healing room. they look at me slightly confused but move along anyways. "the Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you." I look over at my father, and he has a complicated look on his face, One I have not seen before.

"that's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior's patience"

"while you wait and be patient, the nine realms laugh at us. the old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls."

"You are a vain, Greedy, Cruel boy!" thank you, finally someone notices this.

"and you are an old man and a fool!" Thor you should not have done that, he is the Allfather.

"yes, I was a fool, to think you were ready." my father now walks up to Odin.

"father..." he starts, but is cut off my Odin, wow people really don't want to hear him talk today. Odin yells at him, and motions for him to back off.

"Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king, Through your arrogance and stupidity. You've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!" now, Odin is going to place him on house arrest for about a month and then all will be forgotten, but Thor will not become king and Asgard will not fall. then Odin activates the Bifrost. "you are unworthy of these realms, you're unworthy of your title." I watch in shock, as Odin takes his cape and throws it on the ground. "your unworthy, of the loved ones you have betrayed." me and my father both look up at the pair. "I now take from you your power! in the name of my father and his father before, I Odin Allfather, cast you out" he takes Thor's hammer and points it at him. and then Thor is sent down the bridge to who knows where. I gasp and  go hug my father. I watch as Odin mutters into the hammer before he throws it to down the Bifrost. me and my father go to stand at the edge, and then look at Grandfather. he gives us a sad look before leaving the Bifrost.

I did not think Grandfather would completely cast him out

nor did I, but in the end he did realize that Thor was not ready for the throne. in time he will learn, and  Odin will bring him  back.

It was just surprising. I also do not think Odin completely bought the  'I could not leave' act.

he has no proof. in the meantime, there is something I want to talk to you about

really. what happened.

while I was on Jotunheim, I touched a Frost Giant...

then you need to go to the healing rooms! I exclaim.

"no, I don't. that's the thing, my little star, I didn't get burnt. instead my hand turned blue."

"then what do you think could have happened."

"I have a theory, but Ill need to get to the weapons room to test it, and then ask my father."

"very well, but I believe Sif and the warriors three want to see you."

"aaah, yes  they'll want to know how Odin knew." I giggle and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me back before getting up on the horse I brought. I swing up next to them and we take our time riding back to the palace.

"I love you father" I tell him. he looks down at me, and smiles.

"I love you as well, my little Night Star." we then continue on to the place to speak with Thor's friends.

Yes, I know it was a short chapter, but I couldn't continue on without making it like 2,000 words, which would have been far to long. well, here is chapter Three, hoped you enjoyed. we are officially at about 30 minuets into the movie.


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