Chapter 9

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Me and my father walk quickly to the weapons vault. when he gets close, Loki hits his staff against the ground. I watch as the destroyer exits his cage.

"ensure my brother does not return" my father says. his voice is low, full of anger and malice. this is a side of him I have not seen in a long while. The destroyer finishes exiting the cage before my father finishes his order. "destroy everything."

I follow my father out into the courtyard before he realizes I am following him.

"Natt, it is to dangerous, go to your chambers and stay there."

"father, I am not helpless, you have taught me well."  I say. I want to help him, after all I am the next heir to the throne after him. to my surprise he turns around and hugs me.

"I know your not Natt, but I love you far to much to risk you getting hurt."

"may I at least stay with grandmother in your fathers chambers?" He almost finishes turning around before realizing what I just asked.

"Natt." he says fiercely. I sigh and walk off.

"May I watch you with magic?" I yell after him one last try.

"Fine" is the response I hear, which makes me happy. I also realize that he never said no, to me staying with grandmother. I smile and then make my way to were Odin was sleeping. as I enter the room I find frigga sitting were she was earlier, I make my way over to her and sit down, leaning my head on her shoulder. 

"hello their little one" she says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"so, your not my biological grandmother?" I ask still a little bit confused about the whole frost giant thing.

"I don't think its blood that matters, little star." (If you still don't understand the name, through Natt Stjerne into Google translate )

I sit their thinking about this for a little while, both Thor, and Frigga had taken on the roles of uncle, and grandmother. I though about how Odin had often treated me just as a servant much like Heimdall. I once thought it was because he was the king and he needed to show no weakness, or favoritism. but now I am starting to think it was because he knew I wasn't really his granddaughter. I wasn't even Asgardian. I then remember what my father said not to long ago, and use my magic to see what was going on between him and Heimdall.

"tell me Loki, how did you get the Jotuns into Asgard?" Heimdall asks as my father approaches.

"you think the Bifrost is the only way in and out of this realm?" My father says, almost in a mocking way. "there are secret paths between the worlds to which even you with all your gifts are blind. but I have need of them no longer now that I am king. and I say for your act of treason you are relieved of your duties as gatekeeper and no longer citizen of Asgard."

"then I need no longer obey you" I know exactly what is going to happen after this. Heimdall goes for his sword, but my father pulls the Cradle out of thin air, and  uses it to try and freeze Heimdall. for his part, the former gatekeeper did last fairly long, but just before he hit my father, he was frozen solid. I notice at this point that my father has turned blue. He uses magic and makes the cube go away, slowly returning to his original color.

a while later I am watching my father on the throne when he straightens up, and I know exactly why.

I tune myself to what the destroyer is hearing coming out of Thors mouth.

"Brother whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry, but these people are innocent. taking their lives will gain you nothing. so take mine and end this"

I wait for my father to do something. I don't know where I sit on this, yes my father believes he is doing the right thing, as do I. but could their be a better way to go about this? I watch as the destroyer backs off, and then backhands Thor across the town. I know that he would survive this if he still had his powers, but he no longer does. my only hope for the life of my uncle is that he is now worthy. I leave my magic and return back to my body still slumped against my grandmother. I look over, and through the sleeping chamber, I see a tear leave Odin's eye. I know at this point that he will let Thor have Mjolnir back. I realize that my father will use this time to let the Jotuns in.

I wait next to my grandmother, letting her play with my hair. it is not to long later when the door starts to freeze. frigga nods at the back of the room, where I run to. My family all seem to think that I cant take care of myself, but this is fortunate because it means I don't have to fight the Jotuns who think that I am on their side. I watch as my grandmother pulls a sword from a hidden spot next to her, ready to protect her husband. she slices down one before Laufey tosses her out of the way. his eyes find mine and I just nod slightly. he steps up to Odin and pulls his eye lids apart.

"its said you can still hear and see what transpires around you. I hope it's true, so that you may know you death came at the hand of Laufey." I watch as an icicle is formed in the frost giants hand. it is now that I realize, my biological grandfather is going to try to kill my figurative one. just before he is able to my father blasts him across the room killing him.

"and your death came by the son of Odin" my father says, blasting him once more to make sure he is nothing more than dust. I glance at my father to see the glare he has directed at me for not going to my chambers.

"Loki, you saved him" grandmother says, running over and hugging my father.

"I swear to you, Mother. that they will pay for what they've done today" my father says, he nods at me, but my eyes are trained on the door, where I see someone who was not supposed to reenter Asgard so soon.


Hey guys, we are getting so far. thank you for the 100 reads, its really cool that I actually have people reading this story, my last two only have reads from myself. we are officially 1:34:06 into the movie and only have 22:04 to go, although part of that is credits. I think I only have another chapter or two before we move into the Avengers movie, which I am really exited about because I have some awesome Ideas. also I am going to attempt to draw Natt, I'm not that good so we will see, but I would love to receive what you guys think of her. I have left her description pretty open just so you can imagine her in many different ways. hope your safe,


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