Chapter 11

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Dark inky blackness. that's all I could see, for who knows how far.  space is cold, colder than even Jotunheim. I knew I was slowly freezing but being half Jotun was slowing the process. I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep maybe then I would die peacefully.


I slowly regain conciseness. though my eyes are still closed, I can tell that wherever I am is brightly lit. I am lying on a soft mattress of some sort.  as my senses come back to me I can hear voices.

"she'll be of use to us." a gruff, male sounding voice is saying.

"she wont agree to it." a female voice this time.

"oh but she already has." I freeze at this. I know that voice. a hundred years ago, I was still young but I had started to understand my powers, I came across a plot so big and a secret so destructive I started running to the throne room. I never made it, instead I fell into unconcisness and was suddenly on a new planet. I knew that HE had gotten to me.

I stand up looking around trying to find a way back into my own mind. I turn only to find a large chair facing away with Him in it.

"you are not supposed to know this child" he says, the voice scratchy and unlike any I had hear before. I freeze, I was still young and had no Idea how to protect myself. "you are lucky, I am feeling merciful, You will tell no one of what you know, or the pain I can inflict will end you. rejoice, Natt Stjerne of Asgard, for you are now a child of Thanos."

I had remembered that name, fearing it, not daring to tell anyone as his plot grew, and he started gaining more 'children' as he called them. I slowly opened my eyes hoping to see my tormenter of years, but my only view is of a light and a girl with blue skin, and a robotic arm and eye. The blue girl notices that I am awake.

"father she is awake."

"good Nebula. I would like to talk to her alone" he says. once the girl who I now know is named Nebula, has left the room I feel the straps keeping me on the mattress loosen. I sit up quickly to get a view of the man, and to my surprise see a titan, a race I thought to be entirely extinct, he was purple and had on golden armor, my colors. he chuckles when he see's me staring at the colors.

"you did not think I would let you were anyone else's did you?" he asked, I start to stutter out something about how I chose my own. "child you have not been in charge of your own head since the last time you came to me."

"what do you want of me, I did not tell anyone" I said.

"no, you did as you were told, but now you are old enough to be of use to me, your powers will help me greatly." he said, walking around the mattress. I finally get a good look of the room around me and find it almost completely made out of dark metals, leading me to believe I am on a ship. I had guessed that was what he needed me for, and I only hoped Odin would forgive me, because though I may be forced to help him, I in no way supported mass genocide. but it appeared that he was not done.

"you also make a great motivator for a certain green god."

Ok I know this chapter was really short, like really really short, but I didn't know what else I could add. the next chapter should be the start of the avengers, thank you so much for reading. I hope you all are staying safe,


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