"And that's exactly why I didn't want you to read them," I point out.

"Sounded good to me," Kendall interrupts.

"Me too," Caroline adds as I turn over my shoulder and watch her walk in with a bunch of toiletries nearly falling from her arms. Kendall runs at the girl and nearly whacks her upside the head when she attempts to unzip the suitcase that the model struggled for so long with.

"You've got to be shitting me!" I complain, throwing my hands up in the air at the fact that everyone heard Taylor speak the private words I wrote.

"Belle, I think you have something amazing here. That's all I'm gonna say," Taylor shrugs as she stands from her seat at the windowsill and walks over, patting me on the shoulder before briskly moving past. "But I think the world should see it," she adds quickly, scurrying away before I can find something to throw at her.

As I shake my head at the girl, I think about how maybe she could be right.

Perhaps I'll think about it.

But probably not.

But just maybe...


Our laughter blows out in front of us, visible as foggy air due to the cold. My evergreen skirt provides subtle warmth to my legs as it brushes against my mid-calf, creme sweater doing it's best to block the chilling New Year's Eve winds blowing against Caroline and I as we walk the Tokyo streets. The gold watch on my left wrist tells me it's only 10:26, so we still have awhile before we get to welcome in 2019.

Originally planning to spend the holiday in our hotel room like the boring antisocial homebodies we are, boredom struck quick, sending us to the streets of Tokyo to find somewhere to go.

A small bar catches our eye, the bright neon sign shining brightly into the dark December night. When we enter, the strong smell of alcohol reaches our noses amongst the distance smell of Japanese food. The bar is mostly empty, but despite that observation, the small group of people that occupy the small space are visibly having the time of their lives, singing away to a Nirvana song on the karaoke machine.

"Holy shit," Caroline breathes, stealing my attention away from the bright lights gleaming in the dark club around me that's more of a vacant hole in the wall than a rager.

"What..." I start to question, trailing off when I see who is among the small group of people covered in bright purple sparkly glasses, crowns, and beaded necklaces for the incoming new year.

First, I spot a couple sitting in the far corner, the girl's dark hair mixing with the boy's as she leans her head against his. He has a guitar resting in his lap which I would normally find quite odd if I didn't already know him and the fact that he carries that thing around religiously incase he'll ever need it.

The rest of the group is cheering around them, some faces familiar while others aren't, but the face of the man on the stage is one I won't soon forget. Chestnut curls have grown even more since July, and he is no longer wearing the same boring t-shirt and skinny jeans, this time adorned a white shirt with a navy cardigan over top, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The same familiar cross necklace hangs from his neck, hair curling up at the nape of it. Bellbottom jeans flare out at his feet as he jumps around the makeshift stage, voice screeching as he sings like Kurt Cobain.

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