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This story revolves around the lives of four families:

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This story revolves around the lives of four families:

• Haroon Hussain is the man mentioned in the first scene in the Prologue

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• Haroon Hussain is the man mentioned in the first scene in the Prologue.

• Salman's parents are divorced, and his father is quite infamous for his philandering ways

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• Salman's parents are divorced, and his father is quite infamous for his philandering ways. Even though that man does not play a significant role in this book, remember that in my culture (which I have taken as inspiration for the book) kids without fathers do not have the easiest life, neither do women who are divorced. This has quite an impact on Salman's character.

• Did not add the names of Zinnia and Rose's husbands because they are not relevant (more importantly, there was no space)

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• Did not add the names of Zinnia and Rose's husbands because they are not relevant (more importantly, there was no space).

• Remember, Ibrahim was nursed by Dahlia's mother, making them the girls' foster brother.

•Kaveh and Azar have an age difference of nearly 23 years

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•Kaveh and Azar have an age difference of nearly 23 years. Whether she was an accident or a miracle, you decide for yourself.

I overdid the best friend's brother trope throughout the entire series lol.

I grew up in a gigantic family. So writing a book about Desi culture without at least 10-15 main characters is unfathomable to me :p.

I'm from a very small country where everyone always ends up knowing/being related to each other - especially when you belong to the same social class (and I used that in this book too).

You don't need to remember every single character's name. I always try to start each scene with a character's full name and relationship to the main lead as a reminder :).

This is the second book in a series. The first one is about Ibrahim and Malika, which I have been writing for five years but did not finish yet (sigh). There is a third book too, which will come out after this in shaa Allah.

I'm not crazy, just passionate about my books.

If you still don't get it, here's a summary by the legendary _Midnight_Muser_ just take a screenshot, or keep coming back to this chapter for reference.

If you still don't get it, here's a summary by the legendary _Midnight_Muser_ just take a screenshot, or keep coming back to this chapter for reference

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Fallacies of GoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora