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Hello my dear readers! Should I call you my daisies?

This is the first time I do an authorized note and tbh it feels weird..

Anyway this note is gonna explain what the fuck is happening in this story.. since I myself don't understand what I wrote or what am I writing.. honestly I don't even know why you are reading this.

Okay so first the idea was "THE WHOLE STORY GONNA BE HELLA SAD AND ANGSTY" maybe you noticed that in the first two Chapter weren't that cracky lol

But then I was like.. why would I write something so depressing.. like imagine you are sad and you just read something sadder.. omg then you'd be unhappy..

I don't want that... Enough sadness!! Let's be happy

But again I was like what if the readers want to be depressed. If you do please go to therapy (lol just kidding.. unless.......) I was confused for over two months... Should I or should I ?

That's why I'm here... so if you want a super duper depressing fanfiction, then comment here..

And if you want a cracky fanfiction with a little bit of depressing scenes (cuz the whole story is supposed to have angst and I just can't let this story become boring and ordinary) then comment here..

Oh oh and should I add gay ships like yoonmin, namjin, sope, taekook, vmin......?

Also for those who doesn't know what happened in the previous Chapters here is a little summary.

Y/n is a poor hopeless army. Somehow she got an opportunity to go to BTS fan meeting ( if u aren't korean.. let's pretend you went to Korea to study and SOMEHOW you stayed there).. your luck is sooo bad that a bitch ass looking hater tried to hurt taetae.. then the brave side of you jumps out and you save him, in exchange for his life you lose all your memories.. after sleeping for whole two months (sleeping beauty who?) Taehyung still feels guilty cuz in his eyes he sees that he is the cause of it (taehyung being the stupid cute baby he is ) yeah I guess that's it for now.. if you didn't understand anything else ask questions I will answer all..

This story is mainly talking about the hate our boys gets from both antis and fake armies.. and how dangerous it can be that's why WE NEED TO PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS.. also this story talks about bad thoughts and anxiety that can destroy someone more than anything... So yeah

As for the conversations with your heart .. you gonna know in the next chapters.. no spoilers, sorry.






Stay healthy and safe army....


(le cringe lol)

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