Chapter 3

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Grace's POV

A week here. I'm exactly a week here and David, now that I found out his name, let me work at the cafe after a lot of pleading and puppy eyes. But addition is a bodyguard that will follow me everywhere.

David and I don't talk much because we barely see each other, but I also think he is ignoring me. But he always comes at night when I'm already sleeping and spoons me from behind.

He is so frustrating.

I ended with my morning shift and my assigned bodyguard is driving me home. Now I sound like a celebrity. We arrived home where I found red silk car in our driveway.

I couldn't recognize who did it belong to, but it wasn't David's car for sure. He always has black cars. I rushed inside where I heard female voice.

In our living room, stood beautiful elder woman with long black hair that was such a contrast with her pale skin. I was stunned but she was reminding me of someone so much.

''Hello, dear. May I ask who are you?'' She asked with her angelic voice.
''Hi, I'm Grace and I'm living here.'' I replied. She studied my face, before gasping. Then she pulled me in a tight hug.

''Why my son never told me he has such a beautiful girlfriend?'' She said. Son?
''Uhm, may I ask who are you?''
''Oh, yes. Sorry for not introducing. I'm David's mom, Cornelia.'' She smiled.

''You're his mom?'' I asked shocked.
''Yes, yes.''
''He never told me about you, Mrs. Cornelia.''
''Never mind that and don't call me Mrs. Cornelia. You can call me mom, if you want.''
''Okay.'' I smiled but this sentence warmed my heart so much. I missed the word mom.

''I'm going to cook us lunch. I think David is going to come around this time.'' I said.
''You're really wonderful, Grace. Thank you for taking care of my son when I couldn't.'' Her eyes glossed a bit before she hugged me again.

She also decided to help me with lunch. She actually came here to check up on David because she wasn't here for two weeks. We made fish and baked potatoes with vegetables at the side.

We got to know each other and I figured out she is very successful woman. She loves art and she owns her own art studio. She also told me her husband, David's father died few years ago.

I found out so many things about David and his family in few hours than a week I was here with him. She told me David is a good person, but she obviously have never saw a side he uses on me. Cold and strict.

When we finished with the table, the devil himself entered the house. He looked a bit taken aback with the sight in front of him. Cornelia or should I say mom, grinned and went to hug her son.

''David, my baby boy, I missed you.'' She said.
''Me too, mom.'' He said as he returned the hug. I was surprise to see this side of him. I could say, gentle.

''When were you going to tell me this beautiful woman is your girlfriend?'' She changed demanour into serious one and slapped his upper arm lightly.
''I was going to.'' I was more shocked that he didn't deny the fact that I'm his girlfriend.

We sat down to eat on already prepared table. David commented that the food was delicious as I blushed. He flashed me few looks, but that was it.

We finished eating after hour and a half when his mother said she must go back because of a business. I was actually sad that she had to leave, but she also said she will visit soon.

I washed the dishes and headed upstairs to take a long warm shower. I finished and got dressed in one of my fluffy pajamas for which David said they are horrendous.

Just when I took the book for reading, David entered the room. I went to lay on the bed as he slowly approached me.

''We're going to get married in two weeks.'' He blurted out. I look at him mortified. I put the book next to me as I digested information.

''We are what?''
''Going to get married. But don't worry it's just a papers.'' He shrugged. I was pissed of now. He actually said that so nonchalantly.

''That's a problem. I don't want to just be on papers. My marriage was supposed to happen with a person I love, not with the person that took me from my home.'' I snapped.

''I didn't actually took you, I actually bought you. And you're insane if you call that piece of sh*t father. This is your home now and I own you.'' The color of my face drained when I listened to everything. My own father sold me?

''And I hate you.'' I spat, but deep down I knew that wasn't truth.
''Fine by me.'' Even if he tried to hide his hurt expression, it was very visible on his face. But I mean what did he expect? That I'll love him after buying me?

I placed my book on the nightstand, not feeling in a mood to read anything right now. I laid down on the bed thinking about everything. I didn't even know for how many hours, I was just lying down in the bed and thinking about my  not so good life.

Room was gradually darkening as the night came. David came in the room and showered then laid next to me. He put his arm around my waist, but I wasn't having it today so I removed it on his side.

He put it again, but he gripped me so tightly. I tried to remove it again, but I couldn't.
''Move your hand.'' I said.
''Shut up and go to sleep.'' He growled.
''Remove your hand, first.'' I warned him again.

He suddenly turned me around so I was looking at his brown eyes. He obviously wasn't having it today too.
''If I wanted to remove my hand, I would, but I obviously don't. So shut up and go to sleep.'' He said as wrapped his arm around me again and pulled me to his chest.

I huffed in annoyance. How can he always get what he wants? As I was squished in his body, I couldn't move my arms and I hate that. I pulled my arm that was between me and his body and put it on his neck. He hummed in approval as he already fell asleep and I soon followed.

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