She cracked a smile after they broke out. "Thanks, mom, it means a lot,"

Emmett walked up to them. "Ready to see Eddy's gift?" he grinned. 

Ashley nodded. "Yes! Do you guys know what it is?" she asked as they started walking toward her room. 

"We do... but we won't tell," Rosalie replied.

Ashley rolled her eyes playfully and walked inside her room. She spotted a small box on her desk. "Is that it?"

Emmett nodded, still grinning. She grabbed it. It was a small box. Something that looked like it contained a watch or maybe a bracelet.

She didn't really mind, the thought was enough. She wasn't even expecting a gift anyway.

She opened the box. When she looked inside, she didn't see a watch or a bracelet. Instead, it was a car key.

Ashley gasped loudly. "No..." she murmured. She turned to her parents. "No shit!"

Emmett nodded again. "Yes shit! It's down in the garage! Wanna see it?"


So they rushed down to the garage. Inside, she immediately spotted a brand new shiny black Audi. "Oh my god!" She squealed and ran to the car. She sat inside and breathed in the new car smell.


Rosalie and Emmett were standing next to the car, watching Ashley freak out happily. It really made them happy to see their baby girl happy like this.

"How long have you guys been keeping this a secret from me?"

Rosalie shrugged. "He bought it at the same time as he was buying Bella that Mercedes,"

"WOW," Ashley let out.

They had really been keeping this a secret for a long time then.

Jasper and Alice walked inside the garage. "Is everyone ready?" Alice asked.

"For what?" Ashley asked.

Jasper smirked. "We are going out,"

"Since this is your last night, we decided to have a fun night out. We never got to properly celebrate your eighteenth birthday anyway, so think of it as a late birthday party!" Rosalie explained.

Rosalie got in the car, next to Ashley while the others got in the back. "Plus, it is a chance for you to get used to driving this car,"

Ashley grinned. "Don't need to tell me twice. Where are we going though?"

Emmet laid back on his seat. "Seattle," he replied. " You're a good driver, and this car can certainly handle the speed,"

"Yeah, we can't properly have a fun night out in Forks, no offense," Alice said.

"Alright, Seattle it is," Ashley said and started the car. 

She handed her mom her phone to adjust the music, because if there was one absolute rule that she had while driving, it was that music needed to be on- no matter the length of the drive.

This was the latest model and it was obvious Edward didn't cut back from spending money, it was also the highest package. The engine's roar as Ashley sped up once they got to the highway made her smile.

She got used to these kinds of cars since her family was speed enthusiasts, but she was never actually one to drive when they did. And, since if they got in an accident, she'd be the only one in her family to be injured, they didn't drive that fast when she was in the car.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now