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Quietly Dan shuffles out the room after days of being locked inside.  He looks both ways as if he were about to cross the street and feels his heart skip a beat when a little body runs into his legs nearly toppling him over.  He reaches out desperately only to find tentacles steadying him without a spare thought.

Wide fearful eyes look up to him as Riot manifests.  There's anger written in the symbiote's tense form.  Dan can only watch, hoping the symbiote isn't too harsh on the children.

He opens his mouth to stop Riot from whatever they're about to say, to do.

But the symbiote simply sighs.  They deflate like a balloon as they chastise the children with mild exasperation, "careful."

Mason nods his head before breaking into a wide smile and reaching up with his little hands, begging his uncle Dan to pick him up.  A low growl rumbles from Riot as Dan makes to scoop up the little boy.  Sleeper appears then and growls back just as threateningly at the older alien, prepared to defend his innocent little host.

Riot, however, doesn't back down and instead picks the small child up, startling the younger symbiote in the process.

"Dan is not allowed to do any heavy lifting," Riot explains to the younger symbiote and child.

Sleeper watches them with mistrust, but doesn't stop them from situating Mason against Dan's hip, the weight of the tot barely there.

Dan can't help but bite back a smile.  The warmth radiating through his body still alerts Riot of the doctor's contentment.  It's almost enough to rip a pleased rumble from their chest.

"Dan," Eddie greets, lighting up at the sight of his best friend.

"Eddie," Dan smiles in turn.

Eddie briefly looks at his baby boy on Dan's hip when he notices the tentacles holding him in place, keeping him safe.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Dan answers honestly.

Eddie's smile turns into a worried frown at that.

The doctor quickly amends, "but good."

It eases the worry off of Eddie just a bit, "I'm glad."

"Me too," Dan sighs contently.

Mason starts wriggling in Riot's hold until he slips down and races toward Eddie.

Venom quickly catches the running toddler, wrapping him up and scooping him off the ground.

Eddie stares at the sight endearing and Dan secretly wishes he could have that.

It's a yearning ache he hides well, one that Riot still feels.

"Do you want something to eat, Dan?  I know all we've been giving you is soup, but-"

"God yes," Dan groans, "anything but soup.  Maybe a juicy cheeseburger with extra bacon."

Eddie chuckles, "sounds-"

"And drizzled chocolate with mayo."

"...amazing. I'll go place the order."

Dan grins, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement.  Finally he'll be able to satisfy his cravings.

Could have hunted for us, Riot grumbles.

"No," Dan shakes his head, hand landing on his baby bump, "this is what baby wants, what I want.  I can't... just the thought of human flesh-"

He shudders.

Riot huffs but let's it go.

When the food arrives and Dan eats his fill, Riot can't help but pur.

Content human.

Happy mate.



Baby... baby?

Riot belated realizes that this is the baby, their offspring emitting its happiness and satisfaction.

Ok, they admit to themselves, safe baby, safe mate, perfect.

And the chocolate?

It hits the spot.

You'll Never Be Alone [mpreg|sequel]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora