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Riot was tricked.

They're angry and furious, trying and failing to overpower the lifeless body known as Drake.

They should have known!

There was no way Drake could have survived that explosion. Riot, themself, barely made it out of there alive.

Now they struggle to take possession over the body, failing against the other occupying the rotting flesh. They lose the battle as they're forcibly expelled from the meatsuit and tossed into one of the concealed labs found in Drake's bio-engineering corporation.

The scarred man is soon taken over by a brown slime, taking form of a more hideous and unstable wannabe-symbiote damaged by time, the lack of nutrition, and a proper host.  Still, Riot would recognize the symbiote anywhere, anyhow.

The alien tosses the black remote that could have ended everything and now Riot realizes that it was nothing but plastic. With Drake gone and with the intimate knowledge that they have murdered the scientists involved in Drake's project, the only capable of engineering something threatening is none other than Dan himself.  From memories they've seen him do it. They've seen him collar Carnage of all symbiotes.

It's the only reason why others have attempted yet failed at capturing Venom.

How could they be so stupid as to fall prey to easy tricks.

"Riot," the alien hisses gaining the indigo's attention.

Riot growls, slithering to and fro like a rattle snake ready to strike, "Rot."

"Look at what you have become, weak and pathetic, bending to the whims of disgusting cattle."

Riot bristles, how dare this imbecile refer to Dan as mere cattle.

"Watch your tongue," Riot growls.

"Or what?" It taunts.

Riot's anger gets the best of them as they strike, blocked by the glass and crashing against it.

The sickly symbiote laughs.

"We will make sure you cease to exist," Riot threatens.

"Is that so?" A scoff of disbelief, "And how will you achieve that, pray tell."

Riot has had enough, they don't answer.

Because there is no answer.

They know there have been others here before.  Even if it has been nearly two years since the whole debacle with Drake's plan for Life Foundation, Riot can still faintly smell the stench of death of their kin. They can even make out their progenitor's own scent, though faint and nearly washed away by time.  But underneath all that they can smell the others.  The ones who managed to escape.

"You agreed and allowed our comrades to be taken by filthy humans," the brown symbiote continues, "you willingly allowed the imprisonment, experimentation, and death of our own kin."

"It was all for a greater good," Riot drawls, "it was the promise of an unlimited supply of food for consumption, so our own home could be left untouched."

"And look at what that got us!"

Riot rolls their eyes.

But the alien persists, "Unable to return home! To be stuck here in this filth among meatsuits with a superiority complex!"

"You have food, do you not?" Riot hisses, "Yet you choose to be in these dire conditions."

The alien bristles, trying and failing to make itself bigger, but shrinking into itself like a glob of oobleck.

"We deserved better!"

"And yet here you are," Riot sneers, "still stuck in the same place, still clinging to the deceased."

"What?" Rot laughs, slowly reabsorbing itself until Drake's body is standing before them, "miss your perfect host?  It has been alive all this time and not once did you search for it."

"Drake was a suitable host, but not my perfect host.  How you managed to keep him in a near pristine condition is still beyond me."

"That's right," Rot growls, "you thought dear Drake had died after you attempted to return home, without us, the ones you sacrificed."

"Do not be dramatic Rot-"

"Drake has been kept alive all this time, admitted to the same hospital your bitch of a human works at.  Imagine my surprise when I not only find it laying immobile but easy for the taking and vacant."

Riot mentally adds to the list of torture they have planned for the symbiote as it continues to insult Dan before them.

"And then I find your bitch admitted as well, and what do I overhear?  That the bitch carries your spawn."

A growl.

"I wish I had been the one to rip out the disgusting abomination in his body when I had the chance-"

A roar of anger, "SILENCE!"

Rot roars back, just as fierce even in its weakened state.

"I did not choose to become this weak, this pathetic, unlike you," Rot snarls, "I have been made as such by these humans."

Riot's breathing is heavy as they try to calm them-self but fail.

"You see, Drake might have been the initiator of all this, but there are others.  So many other humans who have come here and obtained enough data to continue the cruelty began by the Life Foundation.  I am their test subject, but with you in my grasp I will no longer be the guinea pig.  And once I report that there are hybrids, image the torture."

Riot freezes, eyes widening.

"No," they whisper in horror.

"And it won't just end with the hybrids, of course they'll want to study the hosts as well.  Just picture it, your little bitch strapped and sliced-"

The sound that escapes Riot is deafening.

You'll Never Be Alone [mpreg|sequel]Where stories live. Discover now