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Dora feels a flicker of anger within at the thought of being eaten or bred. It's a feeling that is not quite her own, not when all she can feel is an encompassing fear.  She shudders at the mere notion and she brings her knees to her chest, pressing her back against the wall as far from Riot as possible.  For just a moment she forgets that a parasite already occupies her body.

The realization makes her want to throw up again.  Years.

Two years, the voice in her head corrects calmly.

And horror fills her being when she finally realizes that that voice has been Lasher all along.

For two years she has harbored an alien and survived.

She gags a little at the thought before the tears that strung her eyes escape once again.  A sniffle from her only causes Lasher to become even more tense.  And if she didn't know any better, she'd think the symbiote within her was about to turn on their kin.

"Fret not," Riot begins, "I've no interest in your human."

That doesn't make her feel any better, being treated as if she's not even there again.

"You will perish then?  Is that the fate you desire?" Lasher asks genuinely curious.

"It is better than to be without my mate," Riot grumbles, "it will keep him safe."

Lasher stares in awe.

Surprise fills them and spreads through Dora causing her to shiver at the feel.

Why? Why surprise?

She thinks back on all she knows about this alien lifeform.  She tries to think about them, like them, and piece what she knows together.  Why are Venom and Eddy important? Complete symbiosis?

And it clicks.

Humans are nothing but meat in their eyes.  They can be in a host and quickly kill them off by eating at their organs or they can do it slowly depending on the control as demonstrated by her own survival of being a host without her knowledge.  The exception being Eddy Brock who seems to have hosted Venom for the same amount of time as her with Lasher and is still surviving.

Complete symbiosis, Lasher explains in her head, is thriving, not surviving.

A gasps escapes her lip and she tries hard not to reach out and pull at her hair to get rid of the voice in her head.  She tries hard to accept that Lasher is there, in her and has been all along.

A complete symbiosis is an understanding.

"A complete symbiosis can only be achieved with a perfect host," Riot adds, trying to appease the scared woman's thoughts, "a perfect host is a symbiote's better half and mate. What these fools fail to understand is that Symbiotes can only breed their mate, their perfect host simply because that human's body learns to grow accustomed to a symbiote and changes in accordance to whatever is needed for a hybrid to come to fruition and be carried to term."

"How do you know?" Dora asks.

"What? When a human is our mate?"

She nods.

"When we haven't killed them."

They don't mention that killing their host is still in the realm of possibility, but that the only reason they do not is due to attachment.

The sharp intake of breath is enough for her to question her own sanity.  And she looks down at her ankle from where Lasher is still connected to her and she wonders.

The words escape her without permission, "Are we...?"

She's not quite sure she wants to know the answer.

Lasher smirks then, sharp teeth on display as the symbiote continues to curl around her leg all the way to her upper thigh, "We are Lasher."

You'll Never Be Alone [mpreg|sequel]Where stories live. Discover now