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His head hurts.

His mind is attacked with an onslaught of furious mutters of choice words he could really care less about.

However, the shouting and growling becomes too loud. It echos and reverberates throughout his skull the longer he ignores it. 

He shuts his eyes against the migraine in vain to stop the voice, the pain. His body is tight with tension as he curls in on himself, a few tears slipping free from his tightly closed eyes.

His nose scrunches up, any wrinkles more prominent than ever before with the ashen look of his scruffy face.

For a brief moment he can't remember exactly what happened. There's a vague sense of deja vu.

And then he swallows and his throat clicks.

That's when he's hit with the memory of something thick and slimy sliding down his aching throat. His throat aches and he can't help the shudder that runs through his body as he tries to spit up.

The splat of red should be concerning, but it's really not. He wonders if it's digging its claws to refute the effort of being expelled. It would explain the blood slipping past his trembling lips.

The voice begins again.




"Shut up," Dan croaks weakly, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

That seems like the wrong thing to say, to demand.

He gasps.



His lips part on a single breath of surprise as he's pressed against the door of his home he barely remembers getting to.  Without warning his pants are pushed down his trembling thighs as he's filled with little to no preparation. The breath is knocked out of his lungs, thick cock filling him.

"No," he chokes weakly, biting his lip until he draws blood.

They don't stop.

Warm hands grasp his hips in a bruising grip, hands that feel human, but he knows better.

"No," he repeats, he pleads wriggling futilely.

"Shut up," the person, the thing, growls into his ear.

He cries, a particularly harsh thrust hitting his prostate relentless, mercilessly, repeatedly. Tears well in his eyes until they continue to spill down his flushed cheeks at the overwhelming and unwelcome feeling of pleasure. Claws dig into his sensitive skin and he has to bite his lip to stop from crying out as pin-pricks of blood are left behind, those claws choosing to rake down across his chest, his quivering abdomen, and trembling thighs.

"Stop," he begs weakly, vision blurry and swimming with darkness.

"Shush stupid human, take it, take it like the other sluts."

He doesn't fight, the cruel words fill his mind as he's filled to the brim. His belly filling and expanding with cum until it spills from his abused hole when they part.

"Who would have thought humans could offer more than just a source of food," a slithering tongue licks away the tears from pink cheeks before curling around a thin neck.

"Leave them alone," he whispers hoarsely, "you already took me, leave them alone."

"Who? Carnage? Or Venom?"

The question is rhetorical, yet he answers, "Both, please, leave them alone. They haven't done anything to yo-"

"Venom's end game was to kill me, me! " Riot roars, "Me! Their leader! And Carnage, Carnage became soft, weak, and pathetic just like our progenitor. I will get my revenge, for betraying me, for making me lose my perfect host."

"Don't," the human fights, struggling weakly in the symbiote's bruising grip.

"You," the symbiote rasps contemplative, "You'll do just fine as a replacement."

He shudders, he can't help himself as he asks, "And is this what you did to your 'perfect host'?"

The symbiote barks a laugh, "I didn't have to break Drake. But you I will gladly break and use and devour over and over again until there's nothing left. Until I've eaten you completely."

He whimper at the unabashed admission.

The symbiote continues huskily as they tortures their new prey, "Prepare yourself, Dr. Lewis, I will destroy their happiness and I will destroy you."

Dan gasps, his strength leaving him and the world tilting dangerously off its axis. A large, solid, yet slimy body catches him, muscled arms wrapping around his smaller body.

He mumbles weakly, one last attempt to stop the fury of an unleashed alien as he looks up pleadingly, "please, please don't Riot, don't do this."

All he remembers hearing is the echoing laugh of an unstable monster inside his head, inside his body. He vaguely remembers curling up around his swollen belly filled with cum as he's plugged. Sharp teeth rasping his neck. He's helpless, weak.

He knows he won't get through to them, not to someone like Riot of all symbiotes.

And when the darkness comes, he welcomes it with open arms.

You'll Never Be Alone [mpreg|sequel]Where stories live. Discover now