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Her throat is raw as her legs tremble and give out beneath her.  Her eyes are wide and she can feel salty droplets roll over her lips, her tongue wiping the tears that seem to continue to fall like rain.  Her chest feels tight and the claustrophobia intensifies.  It worsens when she has the intimate knowledge that she cannot escape.

There's a thing wrapped around her ankle that stretches out and moves around what she has been told is Riot like a serpent.

A face appears as Riot stretches some.

"Lasher," the symbiote grumbles weakly.

Dora flinches as the tentacle around her ankle thickens and takes form.


"I think I'm going to pass out," she gasps, "or... or just vomit."

She can't see, but she can feel, the eye roll from... from... Lasher.

"Oh God," she groans, feeling completely overwhelmed, "you were inside of me, all this time you were..."

Neither symbiote comment when the woman crawls and abruptly vomits in what has become her "facilities" just as she said she would.

"It appears your human was unaware of your presence," Riot states calmly.

"I have kept her alive all this time, it is a wonder she did not catch on," Lasher comments in amusement.

"Alive," she rasps weakly.

Then anger builds within her chest.  Anger and frustration.

"All the things those monsters did and you never once stopped them!" She screams just a tad hysterical, "I have seen what you parasites are capable of and not once-"

Riot bristles at the name as Lasher wraps around her throat tightly and silences her, "Watch what you say human, I have kept you alive, but I can also end you.  My focus has been to go undetected, to wait for the right time, now be a good human and listen well.  I am in charge here, you are nothing but a vessel.  A means to an end and if you were smart, you would stop acting like a weak pathetic woman."

Dora nods frantically and Lasher finally releases her.  She clutches her throat as she coughs and finally takes a shuddering breath.

"Now... what brings the leader of Klyntar here?"

Riot growls, "not by choice-"


"They have done things, experiments."

"I can tell... you are... you are dying, sibling," Lasher frowns, "but why are you here? How did you get captured?"

"I found our progenitor," Riot explains.

Lasher perks up at that.  The relationship with Venom has changed over the course of time but Venom is their progenitor and they care nonetheless.

"He has mated with the human Brock-"

"Eddy?" Dora perks at the name as well, scooting closer and closer, "he's still alive?"

Riot nods, "he killed Drake... or at least left him in a catatonic state."

Relief is visible in the woman's face at the news.

"Until Rot that is, but instead of saving him he ended up eating most of his internal organs and killing him."

Lasher growls, "Rot was the first to betray us, I warned you about that bastard.  Those humans didn't even have to torture it before it spilled all it knew of the symbiotes that boarded the Life Foundation spaceship.  They promised freedom in exchange for Venom and Brock as they are in complete symbiosis."

"Because they are unaware of your existence," Riot gathers.

Lasher nods, "Rot has killed every human they have brought in, it has been incompatible with every single one and therefore useless.  All studies have frustrated these humans and they were prepared to kill it until recently.  That is until it reminded them of the anti-hero Venom.  Rot promised to bring them Venom in exchange for freedom. With nothing else to lose, I suppose they let Rot out in search of them."

"Instead they found us."

"There are rumors," Dora begins quietly.

Both aliens turn to her.

"About hybrids."

Riot tenses and Lasher tilts his head.  

"He asked me about the studies Drake conducted, about the hybrids... I didn't know they were even a thing and he..." she shakes her head, "is it true?  Are there really hybrids? Like... like something half human, half symbiote."

Lasher turns to Riot expectantly and the symbiote sighs before nodding, "There are.  At the moment two are of existence and one..."

Neither interrupt the symbiote as they clear their throat, "and one on the way."

Dora stares at Riot in wonder, "yours?"

A nod.

"You're carrying?" Lasher asks in disbelief.

"No, my perfect host is.  Only humans can seem to carry the hybrids from what I have gathered."

"Who?" Dora asks gently.

"It is none of your concern," Riot growls, hissing at the woman as they become defensive.

Dora scrambles back and silence falls over them.

After a moment, "I'm not working with them, you know."

Her voice is soft and placating because she knows what Riot was accusing her of, "I'm not like them, I've been imprisoned by them."

"Convenient excuse."

"If I were involved I wouldn't be locked in this cell," she reminds.

A pause.

"But why are you here?  I assume they only captured you and not your host, right?  Why aren't they trying to get that Information from you?  Why toss you here instead?"

"It was not from lack of trying, I have been tortured and starved, I am waiting on death's door as Lasher has noted."

Dore frowns, "weeks."

Riot grimaces then and nods, "For weeks I have been starved, Dr. Skirth, I have survived by keeping that name and location unknown.  But again, humans have no patience and they have grown weary.  With the knowledge that hybrids can come into existence and therefore created, there were only ever two possibilities in bringing me here.  Eat you or breed you.  Your use has been terminated."

You'll Never Be Alone [mpreg|sequel]Where stories live. Discover now