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I'm soo sooooorrrrryyyyy for not updating

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I'm soo sooooorrrrryyyyy for not updating... I love you all and thank you for all the reads and votes and comments💖


"Harry please!"

"Niall no!"


"Niall, stop pouting, I'm not able to concentrate" Harry stifled his smirk and tried not to look towards a puppy-eyed Niall. "I'm not telling you while I'm driving"

Niall shifted towards the taller lad and licked his lower jaw seductively.

"I'll give you a blow-job if you te-"

"It's a revolver" Harry sighed, obviously walking right into the blonde's trap. What can he do? He's a man with needs that can be only fulfilled by a certain blue-eyed angel.

"A what?!" Niall chocked on air "You are gifting a fucking revolver on Liam's birthday. Birthday. Harry, have ya lost your mind!"

"Cmon Ni" Harry whined "Liam will love it! He loves revolvers! A gift is a gift!"

Niall puffed and tried to look angry, keyword tried, because no matter what he does, he'll always look adorable.

His train of thoughts about how to counter attack Harry was cut short, when Harry's phone began to ring. Guess the ringtone. Yeah, a gunshot sounds. Niall still gets frightened everytime his phone rings.

Harry signalled Niall with his puppy face to put the phone on speaker, as he was driving and who is Niall to refuse his pouting face.

Harry signalled Niall with his puppy face to put the phone on speaker, as he was driving and who is Niall to refuse his pouting face

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(I thought I'll never find an gif like this but what can I say... I am born to be a narry Stan. Literally. My name starts with N and my surname starts with S. I'm basically N.S. or Narry Storan. We are one)

"Harry!" It was Liam. "Come in the den! Right now! We've an Emergency!" And with that the call was cut abruptly.

"Shoot" was the first word that came out Harry's mouth as he hardly pressed the brakes and the car came to a halt with a screech.

Niall, who was still stunned by whatever happened over the phone finally gained consciousness. He might have known Liam only for a few days, but still he knew how calm and composed he is and hearing a frantic Liam over the phone was definitely not a good sign.

"Yeah...so...ummm...I'll drop yo-" Harry shakily started but Niall cut him off. "You're dropping me off in the nearest bus stop and then going to meet Liam" he calmly said.

"What?" Harry jumped on his seat and his head hit the car roof "Ouch, No! Did you not hear him? We're in danger now! I can't leave you he-"

"Calm down, Harry" Niall gently placed his hand on Harry's pounding heart and he shuffled closer, almost sitting on his lap "Nobody knows I'm with you except me, you and Liam. Nothing will happen to me. Just drop me in the East town bus stop, okay?"

Harry nodded as he slammed his lips on his for a quick kiss and began driving towards the bus stop.

Soon enough, they reached the bus-stop and Niall looked into the bus-schedule.

"The next bus is scheduled to come in 27 minutes." He sighed "I'll leave now." He said getting out of the car and slamming the door.

"Jus-Just don't die okay!" Niall said with a shaky breathe and Harry smirked at the boy.

"We still have the deal right? You know the blow job one" Harry said with a cheeky smile and that was enough for Niall to turn all red as he rushed towards his stop without looking back at Harry.

While Harry's drive back to the den, one thing was going inside his head.

Why is he so vulnerable in front of Niall?

How the high and mighty Harry Styles, the most dreaded gangster, who never even flinched when a gun is pointed to his head, is now so suddenly scared of death?

Is it because he's scared of loosing? Loosing a certain blonde. The one he loves.

Also, why did Liam sound so panicked on the phone and what's the emergency?


Man, did I write such romantic stuff? Nah that's not me! Yikes!

Ok, so tell me do you have a teacher who hates you no matter what you do? Like I have many, but my one teacher hates me to death and she doesn't even teach my class. She never taught me but whenever we meet in the school halls she'll yell at me for no reason. Aaaaaaaah
Maybe, it's in my face :(

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