Liam shot him a glare.

"It's late, you both can leave now"

"Cmon, tell us" Louis urged.

"Leave" Liam gave them a tight lipped smile as the Bradford lad stormed off pulling the shorter lad with him.

Now, the thing is that Liam's no idiot. He knew that something is up with Harry. He had noticed his obnoxious behaviour for a few weeks. He knew his best-friend inside out. His absence from gang meetings, his lost of interest in the gang, his absentmindedness, all point towards it.

He knew Harry was hiding something from him. Harry would no longer banter with his best-friend. He would not even look in his eyes, now. Liam's and Harry's relationship was going downhill in every possible way and this is not good for the gang at all.

And let's be honest, Liam missed Harry as his best-friend. Now, they rarely spend time with each other. Everytime Liam wants to talk to Harry, he tries to avoid him.

Maybe Liam did something wrong?

Maybe he's not a good best-friend for Harry?

Maybe he found somebody?

Wait! Who was that giggling in the call?

Liam was suspicious about that thing already. But the thing is that no matter how much he hates Harry right now, he can't definitely share with those two monkeys.

They shouldn't sense the tension between their leaders, that's not good for the gang. Moreover, Harry is much closer to him and is like his brother, so he can't obviously go on and bitch about him behind his back.

But, he has had enough. He's no longer going to wait for Harry to spit out the truth, he's gonna find it on his own.

He quickly picks up his car keys and sauntered towards his car, today is the day.


"H-h-harry" Niall panted "We c-can't do this here"

Harry pinned his hands on the door, as he glided his tongue over his bottom lip before slamming their lips.

"Inside" Harry said between their kisses while Niall slides his arm around Harry's hips reaching his back pocket.

A loud moan slipped out of Harry's mouth as Niall  fumbled with the keys to open the door, his head still spinning from the intense make out session on Harry's porch.

As the door opened, Harry quickly picked the blonde over his shoulder as he made his way towards the  bedroom.

"Lock the door" Niall said, his voice barely audible as Harry gently placed his on his bed under him while he hovered over him.

"Hmm...not needed" Harry slurred as he started kissing his jawline with Niall swiftly unbuttoning his shirt with his dainty fingers.

Just as Harry was about to pounce hungrily, his phone rang leading to both of them spring away. Perks of being in a secret relationship.

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