What The Heart Desires

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What do you desire?

Are you looking for someone

Or something that will help it beat

In search of that fonder love?

Yearning for that consideration

That nurturing yet protective foundation

Cooperative yet assertive structure

What are you longing for?

Is your heart beating

for love or lust

Games or trust

Structure or for something messy?

A quick fix or slip

Just let me know and I'll let you go

What is it lacking?






Are you conflicted or confused?

Are you wounded or have you been neglected?

All these things can affect the judgement of what your heart wants

The mistreated heart of a woman or man may linger with the lust of the flesh

Satisfaction is needed, and should be given meeting the desires of the other half should be first and everything else after.

Communication is needed to keep the heart ,mind body connected to their partner.

If there is no connection

There is an absence

Do not force what is not present

In your heart

Wanting and needing freedom

But not having enough fianances 

The wait is overbearing and the struggle is tiring

How can you sooth the heart when

Its hard to provide the necessities?

How do you mend a broken heart?

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