Psychotic Much

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I can't even feel my heart beating as if it s apprehensive 

Overwhelmed by overbearing dramatization so it bleeds....

I don't give a ****

So tell me something new 

You can tell me this an this and this and this and tha-aah-aat

But what you're telling me is it the truth ?

OK so I ask you this and your answer was way off.

I tell you something listen I'm right behind you , 

You think because I say love, peace , and black ink doesn't make sense 

Well your a damn figurative illiterate homosapien ,

that thinks the parable and analogies I use don't make sense hmm...

Then you cannot chill in a room filled with analytically equip thinkers

with melancholy countenances they will graze you with the shoulder of foreshadow Ha!

The look on your face 

from just hearing two lines your countenance

will be of the confused mind ,

head hurting after a session of their analogical confessions

My ambivalent attitude makes you think that i am bipolar 

While your questions about my emotions have my person in a frenzy

wishing you would just shut up because I'm premeditating the way I'm going to exterminate you 

Or shall i say tease you with pain

The uncertainty of my actions will leave you uneasy

you will find yourself pale like alabaster 


once in that state you will surely give the interrogating a rest.

Wonders never cease 

Your mind will not be set at ease

until you leave 

You would say "Juju and her people are psychotic "

I will say " You are a damn dunce! "

So don't come with your nonsense because you don't understand 

Just ask me what i mean instead of saying you don't make sense 

Don't write me no more 

I will block you 

You will end up on that list 

"I don't need you in my life"

But I'll still stalk  you 

I'll be hiding

I'll be waiting until you get stifled by Karma's reflex

So fairwell dunce , fairwell you human with no understanding and broken promises.

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