Every Step of the way

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I am here to support you

I may not be with you physically each day but I there in the spirit

I will push you gently and if that's not enough I'll nudge you with constant words of encouragement

Nothing negative

We will both learn how to speak life

Omit death from our tongue ,actions and mentality

We will and we can

We are fully capable

We will not allow an illness to take over us because our God is God of love and life

Choosing death

Speaking phrases and thoughts out loud of negativity its not allowed

Hurting yourself mentally will not get us anywhere

Emancipate yourself from that mental crutch its not healthy

Or you will remain where you are physically

Speak life because your covered by his hands of protection grace and mercy

Cast all your cares upon the Most High

Yaweh, Jehovah Shelom, Jehovah Jirah

The great and merciful I am Hallelujah!

My Tongue Is A Pen Of A Ready WriterWhere stories live. Discover now