Embrace Your Skin

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Love the skin your in
Take care of it cherish it
Treat your skin like it's going away
Pamper it double cleanse, exfoliate and masque it
Tone Moisturize and protect your skin
Don't mutilate it with bleach
Love your mealanin
Do you know how many people who would love to have that mahogany, almond , cinnamon or caramel brown, yellow
Don't let me start with your melananocyte count ? How devastating that would be for your keratinocytes having no pigment to hold on to
That melanin
The way your skin glows how radiant it appears in natural light
You bleach it and it will become photosensitive and dull
The sun and your skin will no longer be friends UVA,UVB,and UVC will be knocking on your reigns barrier  attacking you everytime you forget to protect your skin knowining you just bleached it.
How disgraceful you are to God who created us in his own image .
Love yourself there is no one like you
You were uniquely designed
Why alter your divine image ?

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