I do?

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Jon's POV

I wake up next to Dasha with my head pounding and I notice her growing stomach


Dasha:Hey baby

Jon:How's the kid?

Dasha:We're fine thanks for asking

I sit up and I see the mailbox full of mail and I walk to the door and Dasha sits up

Jon:You been checking the mail?

Dasha:No I haven't been at the house too much

I grab the mail and look through it and I see a letter from Aj Brookes and I feel my heart fall into my stomach

Jon:What the fuck?

I rip open the letter and I see a wedding invitation

"Come join us in uniting Aj and Phillip
July 23"

"Come join us in uniting Aj and PhillipJuly 23"

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Jon:Hey Dee


Jon:I'm gonna go out Joe needs me

Dasha:I'll go with yo—

Jon:No! It's a private thing

I grab my keys and walk to my car and drive off I don't know where I'm going and I don't care

How could she do this to me? To me

2 hours later

I step out the car and walk up the porch and bang on the door and it almost immediately

Jon:I went to Joe's house, then I went to Colby's and somehow I ended up here I don't know why I'm here tell me why I'm here

Aj:Jon...I can't tell you why you're here right now

Jon:So you're doing it huh?

Aj:Jon it's been 5 months

Jon:So? I don't want you to marry him

Aj checks her surroundings then mine and stares at me as if she was stressed

Aj:You drove here?



Aj grabs my hand and takes me to the car and gets in the drivers seat and grabs my keys

Jon:Where are you taking me?

Aj:Don't worry about it

Aj drives off and I stare at her the entire time and she keeps her eyes on the road even at the red lights

Jon:I love you

Aj:Jon I love you too

Jon:The marry me instead


Jon:Marry me don't marry Phil

Aj pulls into a fast food parking lot and takes the keys out the ignition and turns to me

Aj:Jon what did you promise me?


Aj:That night in that hotel where we drank milkshakes when I messed up my ankle you told me something that night what did you tell me Jon?

Jon:I told you about my dad and how I have no idea what he looks like and he only came around when he saw me on tv and needed money

Aj:And what did you promise me?

Jon:That none of my kids would ever feel the same way

Aj:So you're going back on your promise? Your promise to me?


Aj inches closer to me and grabs my hand

Jon:I won't break the promise but you always told me we'd end up together

Aj:Shit changes Jon

Jon:Do you wanna be with him?


Jon:Do you want to be with him? Are you happy?

Aj:I don't know...

Jon:Why can't we stay away from one another

Aj:I have no clue but I do know I'm getting married

Jon:No you're not


Jon:You won't marry him

Aj:You say that because?

Jon:Because no matter who you're with, where you are, or what you're doing you're gonna be thinking of me

Aj:You're so sure?

Jon:Yup because I'll be thinking of you which means you're thinking of me

I lean towards Aj and crash my lips into hers and she runs her fingers through my hair

Aj:I miss you so damn much

Jon:You have no idea how much I missed you

Aj pulls away from my lips and buries her face in her hands and starts crying

Jon:What's wrong

Aj:Jon I have to say goodbye forever

Jon:No you don't

Aj:I'm getting married Jon fucking married

Jon:Call it off

Aj:You know I can't do that

Jon:You don't love him like you love me


Jon:I can't let you go again

Aj:You have to I don't even have anything to offer you any—

Jon:I just want you!

Aj:I gotta go...

Aj puts the key in the ignition and turns it and drives to her house

Aj:Goodbye Jon

Aj steps out the car and I step out as well to get back in the drivers seat

Jon:I love you

Aj stops in her tracks and turns around to face me and she kisses my temple

Aj:Be a good father to that kid

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