I'll protect you

166 3 0

Dean's POV

I  drive into the parking lot and let go Aj's hand and walk in the arena leaving her in the parking lot and I see Colby and Joe

Dean:Hey asswipes

Aj walks in the door and storms into the area and shoves me

Dean:Woah what the hell

Aj walks away and I walk away her and grab her arm and she pulls away

Aj:What Jon?

Dean:What was that

Aj:We're dating

Dean:Yeah I know

Aj:So why the fuck would you leave like we weren't like we're just having sex

I watch Aj scream at me but honestly all I could focus on were her glossy lips and how much I wanted to pick her up and throw her on the nearest table and fuck her

Dean:Ok yes I know I'm sorry can we start over?

I take off my hoodie and hand it to Aj and reach my hand out for her to hold it


Aj grabs my hand and we walk down the hall and I kiss her forehead


Dean:Yeah yeah

Aj and I walk to catering and see Panera bread baked goods

Dean:No muffins?

Aj grabs some toast and a packet of Jelly and butter



Aj:Can we go?


Aj:Real breakfast?

Dean:Yeah c'mon

Aj skips to the car and I walk to the car watching her wait for me to unlock the car

Aj:Jonnnn hurry

Dean:I'm coming

I walk to the car and Aj jumps in and I step in the car and I kiss her

Dean:Where do you wanna eat?

Aj:I'm hungry

Dean:I got a place

I pull the car out the parking lot and push my hand down Aj's shorts



We pull up to a red light and I move her panties to the side


Dean:For what?

Aj:Not on an empty stomach

In less than 10 minutes we pull up to the parking lot and we park and walk hand and hand in the diner

Dean:You okay?

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