A what?

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Jon's POV

I take off my jacket and take a seat on the couch and I watch the matches and I hear the door open and close

Jon:Simon I told you I'm not interested in the bets tonight


I look over at Aj and I crack a smile and Aj walks over to me and sits on my lap

Aj:So this is where you work now

Jon:Yeah they made me champ so it's cool

Aj:That's great

Aj kisses my forehead and I wince in pain and Aj steps back confused

Jon:My head

Aj:Shit here

Aj stands up and grabs a bag of ice from a fridge and lays it gently on my head after taking her spot on my lap

Aj:How's that?

Jon:It's better thank you

Aj kisses me and I put my hand behind her neck and pull her closer to me and she stops me

Aj:Not here


I hear knocks on my door and Aj's eyes widen and she stands up and runs inside the locker and Dasha walks in

Dasha:Jon I was looking for you everywhere

Jon:Before or after you burned my clothes

Dasha:I'm sorry about that


Dasha:I wanted to talk to you

Jon:About what?

Dasha:Jon I'm having your baby


Dasha:I went for a checkup yesterday I'm 6 weeks


Dasha:I thought you'd be happy

Jon:I love kids I'm just taken aback by this

Dasha:I have a meeting

Dasha leaves and I sit on the couch and Aj gets from out the closet and sits next to me

Aj:So you knocked her up?


Aj stands up and looks at her feet and I look at her confused and I stand up after her


Aj:it was different when it was just us then it became Phil and that girl it got hard now we're bringing a baby into this Jon and I don't wanna be a reason a home is broken

Jon:What home? My home is with you

Aj:Jon that's sweet but you know that can't happen now

Jon:But Aj...

I step closer to Aj and kiss her and she grabs my waist and I link my fingers behind her neck

Jon:So what is gonna happen?

Aj:Well...I'm gonna walk out that door and I'm gonna marry Phil and you're gonna go have that baby

Tears form in Aj's eyes as she speaks with cracks in her voice and I can't help but nod my head no and wipe away my tears

Aj:(Voice cracking)And we aren't gonna look back ever

Jon:Aj I love you

Aj:I know

Jon:Please we're not done yet

Aj:Jon this is goodbye for real this time

Aj stands on her toes and kisses my cheek and walks out the room and I plop on the couch and wipe the tears in my eyes

Aj's POV

I run out the arena with tears in my eyes and I run into a strong figure


Aj:Hey Cody

Cody:What are you doing here?

Aj:I'm just leaving

Cody puts his hips and sighs as I push my loose strands of hair behind my ear

Cody:You heard the news about Dee huh?



Cody and I walk to his office and he locks the door behind me and pours me a drink

Cody:We've known each other for how long?

Aj:I don't know like 10 years

Cody:That means I've known a lot of your boyfriends

Aj:Yeah I guess

I take a sip of the drink and take a seat across from Cody

Cody:Daniel, Nick, Phi—

Aj:I get it

Cody:What I'm trying to say is none of those guys were seriously not good enough for you be honest Aj how many of those guys made you feel as good as Jon did

Aj:None of them

Cody:Aj he didn't chase after you all those months ago and he won't now I get he made you happy I really do but it's not healthy to keep going back to him

Aj:I know he's starting a family and there is nothing I can do about it

Cody: I'm glad we have an understanding

I roll my eyes and leave the office and walk to my car and I turn on the radio and of course their playing sad music

Loving and fighting Accusing, denying

I turn the volume up and let go of the tears and I put the keys in the ignition and start the car

I can't imagine a world with you gone The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of I'd be so lost if you left me alone

I look out to the rainy abyss and sob inside the car as I think about Jon and I

You locked yourself in the bathroom Lying on the floor when I break through I pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me"

I hear faint taps on the window and I look to my right and I see Jon shivering in the cold rain


Hold on, I still want you

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