I'm here

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Aj's POV

I wake up to see Jon Joe and Colby sleeping on my bed and I stand up and walk to the bathroom and turn the cold water on and splash my face and grab my toothbrush


Aj:I'm in the bathroom

Jon stumbles into the bathroom and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder


Aj:Your breath smells like shit

Jon:How'd you sleep?

Aj:I slept fine

Jon:Do you want me to order breakfast?

Aj:No I'll cook

I turn around and Jon shuts the bathroom door and grabs my waist and puts me on top of the sink

Aj:Jon no

Jon walks up to me and kisses my neck as my eyes roll in the back of my head and I shove him off as somebody knocks on the door

Joe:Hey I gotta take a leak


Aj:I want you to know we weren't gonna do anything

Jon:Yeah right

I jump off this sink and open the door and I see Joe smirking at Jon

Joe:Phil called by the way


I rush over to my phone and I call Phil back immediately

A:Hey honey
P:How are the girls

I look around at the shirtless men lying in my hotel bed snoring like pigs

A:We're fine
P:I'm sorry I couldn't make it up there
A:Oh no it's fine it's important to ya know catch up with the...girls
P:I just wanted to call and check in
A:We're fine get some sleep it's probably late where you are
P:I'll call you when I wake up
A:Okay bye

I hang up the phone and as Jon walks in the other room and I notice Colby looks at me and I shrug my shoulders


Colby:(Mockingly)Should we go get our nails done and talk about boys?

Aj:I had to tell him something

Colby:How about you don't wanna marry him?

Aj:Because I don't know yet


Aj:I love you guys a lot and I love your stupid friend so much more but he's st—

Joe and Colby:Starting a family we know

Aj:And I cant intrude that and Phil is like a safety net

Colby:So what you don't miss the risks?

Aj:If I didn't I wouldn't be in a hotel room with 3 men just because I missed them

Joe:I don't know what you wanna do but I do know that you don't wanna marry this guy

Aj:So then help me I don't know what to do

Colby:Marry me

Aj and Joe:What?

Colby:You'll be around Jon all the time

Aj:That can't go down

Jon walks back in the room with a sandwich almost finished

Jon:What can't go down?


Jon:I'm starting to think I'm getting a little tubby

Joe:Maybe a sympathetic pregnancy

Jon:Shut the fuck up

Aj:How is she?

I look down at my lap and Jon's footsteps stop in his tracks

Jon:She's fine

Aj:And the baby?

Jon:The baby is healthy

Aj:I need some fresh air

I stand up from the bed and walks out the room and Joe follows me outside



Joe:How do you feel

Aj:Like I'm getting married and my ex boyfriend is having a baby despite his arguments

Joe:I know you love him


Joe:More than Phillip


Joe:And you know what you gotta do

Aj:I know it's just so damn hard I thought it was gonna be me and him and our kids

Joe:I know

Aj:I never should have slept with Edwin

Joe:Don't blame yourself

Aj:But it's my fault

Joe:If you ask me it's both your faults


Joe:I mean you guys love each other like a lot that's clear but neither of you know how to show it and that's you and his fault

Aj:You're right

Joe:I know I am

Aj:I feel like i'm gonna barf

Joe:4 or 5 years from now you won't even remember the name Jonathan Good

Aj:Sure about that?


I move my bra strap down then my shirt revealing my tattoo of Jon's name and a tiny ring

Joe:That can be covered up

Aj:I don't wanna cover it up I want him I want him forever

Joe:But you can't have everything

Joe grabs me and kisses my forehead and I hug him and he squeezes me tight

Aj:This is gonna be hard

Joe:Yeah it is

Aj:I can't send him home

Joe:I'll take care of it

I have to say goodbye to the only person I've ever really loved about the only person that ever really loves me

Sleeping with my enemyWhere stories live. Discover now