Injuries and inquires

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Aj's POV

I slide my foot into my boots and I see Dean walk in my locker room and I jolt up from my chair I haven't seen him since that whole club thing



Aj:Did you lose something


Dean hands me my necklace I lost at his house a while ago and he leaves the room the second I grab it from his hand


I finish putting my gear on sit in my chair and Paige walks in

Paige:What was Jon doing here?


Paige:You okay?

Aj:Yeah I'm fine

Paige:Well c'mon we gotta match

I grab my belt and follow behind Paige and walk to the curtains

Paige: I'll try not to hurt ya

Aj:Yeah yeah

Nikki:Don't break anything out there

Aj:I got this

My music hits and skip down the ramp and into the ring and sit on the ropes

15 minutes later

Nikki walks under Paige and hoists her into the air while I'm being held by Paige and Nikki drops us both and I feel Paige's shoe enter my ribs


I nurse my ribs and Paige grabs me and lays onto of me as the Referee counts


I lift my shoulder at the last second and Paige lifts me up and throws me into the turnbuckles and runs at me and I lift my foot and kick her in the gut and Nikki comes along and takes advantage

3 minutes later

I grab Nikki and fold her into a black widow and she taps instantly and I hold my arm up and aid my ribs with the other as my music plays and I skip backstage

Colby:You alright you took a bump out there

Aj:I just need some rest I'll be fine

Colby touches my ribs and I wince in pain and he stares at me

Colby:C'mon I'm taking you to the doctor

Aj:No C i'm fine


Colby walks me to the doctor and sits me on the table

Doctor:What seems to be the issue today Aj?

Aj:Doc Feel-Good how ya doin today

The doctor chuckles as he grabs a clipboard

Seth:She took a bad bump to the rib and she can't even touch it

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