The first night together

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Aj's POV

I walk in my hotel room that's I'm sharing with Dean and go to my bed and lay down without bothering to shut the door or take my clothes off

Dean:Hey shortie

Aj:Don't call me that

I turn to my side and watch as Dean takes his shirt off and changes into another one

Dean:Stop looking at me creep

Aj:Jon are you drunk


Dean starts looking at me and he throws himself on top of me and starts kissing me


Dean:Sorry Geez

I take Dean's pants off and put some sweats on him and he starts laughing

Aj:Jon focus

Dean:On what

Aj:I don't know your fingers

I wash Dean's face off and brush his teeth and carry him back to his bed

Aj:Can you please get some rest

Dean:I don't wanna


I grab my shorts and slippers and leave the room and Dean chases me

Aj:Jon go to bed


Aj:Oh my god

I grab Dean's wrist and pull him in the room and push him on the bed

Dean:I hate you

Aj:Then let me leave I don't like you any less then I do now


Aj:This is exactly why you got dumped by Rennè

Dean:Leave her out of this

Aj:Because you're a low life, selfish, inconsiderate, BASTARD, that only cares about himself

Dean stands up and stares at me while I look back at him at this point I see his ears turn red along with his nose

Dean:And you April are a manipulative, condensing, heartless, conniving, egotistical, BITCH, that can't do anything for herself

I fill with rage and smack Dean in his face and he's moves closer to me

Dean:I hate you

Aj:I hate you too

Dean:Kick rocks

Aj:Drop dead

I see Dean's eyes fill with rage and I go to say something else and he cuts me off and kisses me


Dean takes his hands off my face and leaves and I run out and grab his arm and pull him back inside and shut the door without breaking a kiss

Aj:This is something new

Dean grabs my butt and then he rips my shorts off and then my shirt revealing my underwear and bra

Dean:Nice ass

Aj:Don't be a dick Jon

Dean:As long as you aren't a bitch

I push Dean on the bed so he's sitting on the bed and take his shirt off and he kisses my neck after flipping me on the bed

(Skip you dirty perverts)

I wake up and see Dean laying next to me and I immediately push him


Aj:Jon get up

Dean gets up and reveals his area and he grabs shorts and puts them on and looks back at me

Dean:We had sex?

Aj:No we're just both completely naked in the same bed

Dean:Shit this is bad

Aj:No shit dumbass



Dean:I fucked you

Aj:If anything I fucked you Jon you couldn't even last 6 rounds


Aj:Yeah you made it to 5 but 6 hit and you were down for the count if I remember correctly

Dean puts his hands on his hips and chuckles



Aj:Pass me those and turn around

I point to my bra and underwear and he grabs them and turns around


Aj:We're never gonna talk about this

I walk around and search for my clothes and once I find them I put it on

Aj:This...will never be talked about again


Aj:How many women did you sleep with?

Dean:Depends on an estimate or a solid number


Dean:About 30 going on 40

Aj:I see

I drop my shoes and put them on and walk out the door and Dean walks to the doorway and peeps his head out

Dean:Where are you going?


Dean:That's not something you should scream I'm clean by the way

Aj:How long ago?

Dean:2 weeks

Aj:When you and Rennè brome up?


I run and jump on Dean and kiss him and he shuts the door and I kiss his neck

Dean:You're a bitch

Aj:You're a no good cunt

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