She's mine

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Dean's POV

I walk into the arena and I see Joe and Colby talking and I walk up to them

Joe:Hey man how'd your meeting go?

Dean:I gotta lose my baby

Colby:How's Aj?

Dean:We broke up

I walk away and I see Primo and Carlito talking to Aj she's laughing


I storm into my locker room and I hear the door open and close behind me

Dean:Get out


I turn around and I see Aj holding my dog tag and her other hand resting in her pocket she looks terrified


Aj:You left this the other night

Aj holds out the dog tag and I grab it and sit on the couch and dig in my bag and she walks towards me


Aj:I was hoping we could talk this out Jon I love you

I chuckle and continue digging in my bag and Aj stays and I look up at her to see her face in a stern emotion

Aj:What's funny?

Dean:You saying you love me

Aj:That's funny Jon?

Dean:Aj I came here tonight to find you and to talk to you because I was acting ya know out of character I was so set on fixing things fixing this fixing us and I come in here and I see you talking to the guy you fucked the guy you said you love wasn't anything serious we were talking about fucking matches

Dean:April I don't wanna hear it I really don't

Aj:Jon I wanna be with you

Dean:The lies April I can't with the fucking lies

I stand up and look down at Aj who's fuming mad and I chuckle

Dean:We're done there is no more us

Aj punches my chest twice thinking it would cause more damage than she already did

Dean:Aj get out

I grab the doors handle and Aj stares at me with those big brown eyes with sadness and desperation in them


Aj walks out the door and I shut it and change into my gear and wrap my hands up with tape



Joe:You're match man


I grab my belt and walk out the room and Walk to the curtains and I see Alexa walking towards me

Dean:Whatever you're about to do I can't I have a match

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