Romano scoffed, folding his arms like a certain Asian. "Who cares if the burger bastard and the other one has history. We all do. All of this is stupid." He grumbled, with Spain nodding. "Si, I agree with Roma. We all do have history, Alfredo and Canadá are no exception." Every nation seemed to have an opinion here, but it was already settled, before they had even entered this world.

Startling nearly everybody, in a direction that was hard to make out, a video seemed to cut in, like this was a theater now. All was static, before a visage appeared, and something similar to a VHS started to play..

~~With the Twins~~

~Canada's POV~

Al opened the door, and...

More darkness. I shouldn't have had my hopes so high, but this most definitely crushed the hope I had.

I could feel the disappointment radiating off of Al — he looked like a child who had his candy taken away. I went through the door, it was wide enough we could both fit easily, with room to spare. Looking around, for something- anything. There wouldn't be a door if nothing was there, right?

I walked further inside the room, and soon heard the shuffling feet of Alfie, because of course it was. He was definitely exaggerating his sadness, but it wasn't all that nice to see either.

It was just.. Dark. Nothing around us it seemed. Nothing at all minus that door, which... Turning back to it, I couldn't distinguish it from the blackness of the surrounding area.

I felt Al fall on top of me, sighing dramatically, his face morphed into a cartoon-level frown. "We're gonna be stuck here foreverrrrr Maaattieeeeeeee..." He whined in my ear, since he was laying on my shoulder. "It's just darkness and nothing elsee... What are we gonna dooooooooo..???"

I rolled my eyes. "Jeez Al, sounds like you're dying." "I aM mAtTiE yOu DoNt UnDeRsTaND!!" He fell over purposefully, and I wish I had the gaul to just let him hit the floor. But no, I caught him, and he did a pose like what Papá would do.

"Calm down, you big baby." I said, and he pretended to be shot. "We aren't gonna die here, so stop being melodramatic."

"How do you know?!" He cried, and I wish I was being theatrical with words. "There's no food, there's no water, there's nothing! Nothing at all! We're doooooooooooooooomed..."

While he was going on about whatever, I honestly zoned out, something white had caught my eye. Floating down was a piece of paper, and like a feather it hit the ground. I stood Alfred up, and shook him by the shoulders. "Al, stop sulking. There's a paper, maybe it has something on it." The nation was teary-eyed at this point, and was close to just bursting into full on sobbing. "What is a paper gonna do...? Suddenly give us everything we would ever need?!" I just sighed, holding back my urge to slap him back to sense. "No, Al, no it's not. But what could be on that paper can mean something important."

I heard him mumble, "fine", still very upset for little reason at this point. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the paper, picking it up and reading it aloud so Mr.everything-is-ruined-and-we're-all-doomed can hear too.

Hello, my sons. I understand you might be confused, perhaps even frightened, but I can assure you, no harm will befall you.

Where you are is in a place reminiscent of Limbo, though not the real Limbo. All you need to know is that this place is not reality, but do not fret. In the darkness, there will be a sanctuary of sorts, a place similar to a house, with everything I know you will need.

Why you are here is a question I assume the both of you have, and the answer you may detest. I can only say, there is no malice in the planning of this, certainly not for the both of you.

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