Chapter Twenty-Nine- I Dance In The Moonlight

Start from the beginning

"Right. That's a problem," she stated, as she tried to shoo the bird out the open window again. 

Eventually, she managed to convince it to leave, with a lot of random arm flapping and waving, mostly towards the open window. 

Winona then speedily closed the window, and turned to me with a sigh. 

"Damn, Win. We could have kept him as a pet," I stated. 

She just rolled her eyes at me. 

"Ha-ha. That wouldn't have worked," she stated. 

"Yeah, I know, but just imagine how cool it would have been," I replied. 

She smirked in her amusement, at that statement, but soon her expression became a little more serious. 

"Do you have something on your mind?" she asked me perceptively. 

"Just Lily...she's been quite busy recently," I said. 

"Well, if its any consolation, she told me that she missed you. She also told me that if I told anyone that I would wish I hadn't, which was vaguely threatening. You won't tell her, will you?" Winona asked me. 

I just gave a shake of my head at that question. 

"Thank you, Selina. You're a real pal," she said. 

"I do try my best," I replied. 

"So, what are you going to get up to since we don't have this assignment to worry about anymore?" she asked me. 

I thought on it for a fleeting moment, and then replied with my main choices. 

"I'll probably write, hang out with Lily and you guys. How about you?" I asked her. 

She smiled. 

"Yeah, ditto, but I'm also going to get a new game soon," she informed me. 

Winona had recently gotten a new job, at the nearby restaurant. It was going fairly well so far, it seemed. 

Winona moved a slender hand through her hair then, and smirked at me with kindness in her eyes. 

"I better get going, but I'll catch you later, okay?" she asked me. 

"Of course. See you later, Winona," I replied, and waved her goodbye. 

I soon walked into the kitchen in order to get myself some food, and found X sat there, eating a bowl of cornflakes. 

"Hey Xena," I greeted them. 

"Hey you," they replied, with a soft smile upon their lips, "I'm just having breakfast early, before I make my way to theatre society." 

I gave a nod of understanding at that.  

With the incredibly creative nature of the sets that Xena designed, the theatre society group definitely needed them there. 

"You're becoming pretty popular in that group, huh?" I asked. 

Xena gave a nod of their head to confirm that, as she they finished their bite of cereal, and then moved to the sink to clean up the bowl and spoon. 

"Yup," they said. 

"I'm glad to hear it," I replied. 

"I worked pretty hard to get into it in the first place, so it's great to become such an involved member now," Xena said. 

I was glad to hear it. Xena really deserved a place that supported them, and I knew that they were close to the other members within our social circle, but they were such an incredibly friendly soul that it was a good thing to know that they were making more friends outside of it, too. 

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