Chapter 3 ~ Paint's POV

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          The portal closed. We're back home! I thought. But one look around brought me a different conclusion.

          "Um...Code? Where are we?" I asked. Seriously, this playdate was becoming more and more like an adventure! One I'd rather not be having!

          "Welcome to Outertale, where your special surprise is! Come on, I have to show you this!" Code grabbed my arm and started to run to the left, towards the town.

          "Wait, what special surpri-mmf!" Right as Code yanked my arm, the bone dislodged and I fell flat on my face. It didn't hurt though, but the snow was DEFINITELY cold! Bones getting dislodged from their place- like an arm or a leg, or two- is actually completely normal for skeletons. I propped myself up with the arm I still have, and once I was sitting up Glitch gave me back my other arm. I put it back in place with a pop, rotating it a few times while I glared at my best friend.

          "What was that for?! You're lucky I left all my potions at home!"

          I make potions in my spare time. When I'm not drawing, writing, on a playdate, AU hopping with Momma and Sis, or playing with Splatter, my pet butterfly, I make potions. Momma helps me with measuring ingredients, and which ingredient goes in what order. She's a skeleton, and was a human from Alchemytale while she was still a human(That's how she knows so much about potion-making. It's really cool!).

          Code shrugged. "I know, Bows, I know. But, seriously, I have to show you this. Then, maybe we can collect all the colors of the pretty sky." I followed her eagerly, excited again.

(Color-collecting was a favorite hobby of mine, and I always did it with Splatter. We soon came to a big field of sparkling Echo Flowers, all of them the colors of the stars instead of the usual blue that is seen in most of the other universes.)

          Suddenly, Glitch came to a stop in front of four people having a picnic on the rocks. Three of them had hoods on, but all of them had their heads down. They had the best view of the stars from here. Code let go of my hand and walked over to the person that had their back turned to us, then sat down beside them. I sat down next to the other three people, who were sitting on the picnic blanket, which looked a lot bigger up close.

          "H-hello....?" I asked. To my surprise, Glitch and the person she was sitting next to turned around and faced me. The other three people looked up at me. Three of the figures lifted up their hands and removed their hoods. "B-Big Sis! Momma?! Mr. Error?! Aunt Core? Why are you all here?" I asked, hugging Sis and Momma. Code was grinning as Mr. Error rubbed her on the head. Aunt Core(they're a they, but we called them 'Aunt' because calling them 'Uncle' didn't seem right. They're ok with it, though) looked up and smiled, one hand behind their back for some reason. (Apparently they were the one who had opened up the portals while their hand was behind their back. I found that out once me, Sis, PJ, and Palette were back in the Doodle Sphere)

          "It was all part of the plan. Glitch had to lead you here, to Outertale, for the surprise. Fell told us you were coming on schedule." Momma told me with a smile. Aunt Core nodded their head, their gray hair swishing with the movement.

         "That was planned? What for?" I asked. Nothing was going on today, other than the playdate, and TK wasn't at the training facility because it was break day. What could be the reason?

          "We had to make sure you got here on time. I was included, of course." Mr. Error said, with a grin. Aunt Core and Sis both facepalmed, although they're smiles didn't waver one bit.

          "Course you were included, Sis. Why wouldn't you be?" Code asked her father with a big grin that matched his own.

          Mr. Error pointed a boney thumb at Sis. "Cuz' of Shorty over here, that's why." Big Sis glared at Mr. Error. Me, Code, and Aunt Core giggled. Momma only sighed.

          "Anyways..." Sis said through clenched teeth. "We wanted to celebrate something very special." What could she be talking about? Then, Momma spoke.

          "What else could we be celebrating, than your creation day, Paint?" She asked, like she had read my mind. Soon, some portals opened up nearby(thanks to Aunt Core). And out walked.....

          "Uncle Blue? Uncle Geno? Uncle Reaper? Uncle Cross? Uncle Dream?" Sis's friends walked out of the portal, followed by....

          "PJ?! Goth!? Palette!? Why are you all here? Shino! Hi, Raven! Geez, why are you all so tall?!" I ran up to my brothers and Goth, along with his little brother and sister, hugging them all. It was kinda hard, since I'm the shortest in the family(Even Shino's a good ½ foot taller than me! And she's the youngest of the AfterDeath family!)

          Raven picked me up and put me on his shoulders, so I got to be taller than everyone and hug them all. Shino got a pick-me-up by Goth and we all did a group hug. The big adults were talking about big adult stuff.

          "Why would we miss our little sister's birthday? And you're the youngest, lil' sis, so that's your problem." PJ asked, smiling. I giggled, not catching the fact that he called me short. (He got in trouble for it later, once I found out. He'll be scrubbing his clothes of white paint mixed with glitter for a while...hehe...) Palette nudged PJ a bit for saying that, but I didn't notice.

          "You couldn't! Hehehe!" Raven and Goth let me and Shino down, and I ran over to Uncle Blue, Uncle Geno, Uncle Reaper, Uncle Cross, and Uncle Dream, giving them all hugs. I was so excited and happy that my wings formed at my back. (They do that sometimes. Probably because of my magic, or something.)

          "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TINY SKELETON PAINT!!!" Uncle Blue told me as he picked me up and spun me around. It seemed that some of the family's Paps were here as well, because Uncle Carrot gently told Uncle Blue to set me down. (I call him Carrot because he's orange, like a carrot. I've heard some Creators call him "Honey", but I don't know why.)

          "SORRY, PAINT..." Uncle Blue apologized to me.

          "It's ok, Uncle Blue. Thanks, by the way, Uncle Carrot." I hugged Uncle Carrot, and he used a hand to ruffle my long, colorful hair. Sis came over and hugged both Uncle Dream and Uncle Blue.

          "Good to see you two, Blue, Dream....." I saw Sis secretly take a sip of her yellow vial, her 'happiness' vial. It always made Sis smile when she saw Uncle Blue and Uncle Dream. (They're best friends, and AU protectors! They call themselves the 'Star Sanses', and I look up to them a bunch! I can't wait to be a Star Sans someday!)

          It was like a big family reunion, and all for my birthday! I saw Aftertale!Frisk and Reapertale!Frisk, and Underswap!Chara and Error!Frisk, and X-Tale!Chara was hanging around Uncle Cross. I said "Hi" to all of them, giving and getting hugs, and we had cake, and TK was a little late, but that's TK. Plus, everyone forgave him. He brought Quantumtale!Frisk with him, and the whole party was really fun. And Me, Code, TK, and the Frisks' and Charas' went stargazing and color-collecting, and we had a lot of fun!

          But, all too soon, it was time to go. Aunt Core opened up the portals so everyone could go back to their home universes. We gave out goodbye hugs, and me, Momma, Sis, PJ, Palette, Code, Mr. Error, and Aunt Core stayed in Outertale for a bit longer, before Sis and Mr. Error opened up portals to the Doodle Sphere and the Anti-void, and Me and Code hugged before we followed our families through the portals, closing behind us. Aunt Core left to her special safeguard for the survivors of destroyed AUs, the "Omega Timeline". It was a really fun birthday.

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