Chapter 2 ~ Glitch's POV

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          Bows landed in the snow of Underfell's Snowdin with a plop. She glared at me as she pushed herself out of the snow and wiped snow out of her hood before putting it back on.

           "What was that for?!" She asked, raising her voice. I shrugged.

          "What? I thought it would be more fun to actually explore the AUs, instead of just, ya know, looking at them."

           Bows was, in my opinion, exactly like Mr. Blue- except that she actually liked puns. My best friend may only be 9, but she is really good with magic, well, at least before she uses up too much. Either way, Paint really is a one-of-a-kind kid.

          "COOOOOOOODDDDDE!!!!!! Come on! Quit being lazy, and get your boney butt over here! I see Mr. Red and Mr. Boss!"

          I jumped right out of my skin. Right, I thought. We're here to see Mr. Red and Mr. Boss.

          "Coming, Bows." I teleported to Paint and sat down in the snow. Bows was waiting there for me, adjusting something in her hand. Her ectoplasm hair was trailing in wisps barely seen from under her hoodie, and I watched them for a few seconds. I never knew why she always wore a hoodie when we were on playdates. Definitely wasn't because she was hot, that's for sure.

          "Ready to say 'Hi', Bows?" I asked.

          She nodded her head. "Ready..."

          On the count of 3, we walked over to Mr. Red and Mr. Boss. They recognized us the instant they saw us. Mr. Boss looked delighted to see us. Mr. Red grinned and offered his hands for us to shake. Bows, sneaky little Bows, grabbed his forearm and gave him a taste of his own prank.

          ZZZZZZ!!! Went the joybuzzer that Paint had hid in her palm, shocking Mr. Red to the bone.

          "Ouch! Argh, you little....."

          "SANS!!! ENOUGH WITH THE PRANKS!!!!"

          "S-sorry Boss...."

          Me and Bows giggled, then followed Mr. Red and Mr. Boss on their sentry duty. Thank goodness we're both skeletons- none of the other monsters ever looked twice when we passed them. Soon, we got to the large purple door that led to the RUINS. Mr. Red sat down in the snow, his spine against the doors.

          "It's just like Mr. Classic..." Bows mumbled. Even with her hoodie on, she always had her necklace out so she could feel it on her fingers. Which, ironically, was just what the little paintblob was doing right now.

          "Yeah. Except Mr. Classic uses whoopee cushions instead of joy buzzers." We both laughed at that one, then sat down near Mr. Fell, our spines against the big purple door. We listened to the exchange of jokes, saying a few of our own.

         "Hehehe! My, my, there are definitely more pun lovers than usual." The voice on the other side of the door said. Mr. Red simply chuckled, showing off his spiky teeth, with that one gold tooth.

          Honestly, I thought. That gold tooth keeps reminding me of the one Mr. Fresh has. Weird.

          "heh. just ink's lil' sis and error's kiddo." Mr. Red said, shrugging his shoulders and slightly tugging at the collar he always wore. Bows and I never found out why he wears it(or why he does many of the weird things he does, for that matter), but we always thought it was because of Mr. Boss. And with how Underfell usually is, it isn't that surprising that me and Bows are pretty much right.

          "Oh, um...Mr. Red? W-we have to go...B-Big Sis will be worried..." Bows stood up, her small paintbrush in hand. Mr. Red grinned that toothy grin, and shrugged.

          "heh. you bet ink'll be worried. probably that you two won't show up in, nevermind." He turned to me. "glitchbag, on the other hand, not so much." I shrugged.

          "Eh, true. But Miss Ink and Sis are the ones in charge of the playdate this time, so g's on them."

          Me and Mr. Red shrugged simultaneously, both of us grinning to the bone.

          "Whelp, we gotta go. See ya, Mr. Red."

          I walked through the portal Paint had opened, changing its code at the same time. Innocent little Bows. She thought the portal would bring us back to the Doodle Sphere. But, instead, it brought us to the real surprise. Outertale.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

((So....I was wrong....Glitch can pause and play the 4th wall too.))

(Really?! Yay! :D)

(Yeah yeah. Now hurry up and end the chapter already.)

((Alright alright! Well, bye everyone!))

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