After that, i laid her down in the bed and draped the blanket over her. I picked up her bag from the side table and pulled out her phone, "Hey princess, what's your password?" I asked, more like a whisper. "Grayson," she replied back in a soft whisper. "Yes Kaitlyn, i'm right here.. could you please tell me your password, i have to text your bodyguard, Swayer." I said kneeling down by the bed. She smiled, "I just told you, babe...." She smirked in her sleep.
"Your password is 'Grayson'?" i asked rather stunned by her response. My name was her password?! Wow! I've never felt this good in my life ever!!
She nodded and went back to her deep sleep.

I couldn't help but grin, because my name was her password. Maybe, she wouldn't hate me much when she gets to know about the truth. My smile dropped at the thought of her staying away from me after she knows that i'm her enemy. I entered my name in the password box and opened her recent messages, i scrolled down to find Swayer's number and texted him, "Hey Swayer, it's quite late and i think it's not safe for me to drive right now, so i'm staying over at Cassie's. Okay? Don't worry about me. I'll be safe. Bye!"
I read my message once more and hit the send button. After that, i placed her phone right next to her and stood up from the floor, after taking one final glance at her, i walked out of the room leaving her in her own personal place to sleep.

As i laid in my bed, i couldn't stop thinking about her. My name as her password? She called me 'babe' and she wanted me to be her 'Christian Grey'. I chuckled at the thought of her innocent mind wanting me to be her Christian Grey.  The way she was listening to my heartbeat and the way she rested her head on my shoulder. I am really in love with her, because how could anyone not fall in love with her? The way she laughs and the way she scrunches her eyes. It's all pure. I'm not good for her, i know it, but i just can't leave her with that a**hole Andrew. I am pretty sure of the fact that his intentions for my princess were not good. With all these thoughts crowding up my mind, i fell asleep.

*Kaitlyn's pov*

I woke up with a severe headache and the rays of the sun hitting my eyes. I looked around to see my surroundings as i was on my right side. Wait wait wait, where am i?  

The window gave a perfect view of the city and the room was lit by the sun's rays penetrating in the room

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The window gave a perfect view of the city and the room was lit by the sun's rays penetrating in the room. "It's beautiful," i muttered to myself. I looked down to see myself wearing a black sweatshirt. Oh God, why can't i remember anything? All i remember is that i was drunk as hell and Andrew wanted to kiss me, but then he stopped him. He.. Grayson. Oh no no no no! Please no! Don't tell me that this is his room or this is his sweatshirt. I pulled up the neck of the shirt to smell it and ya, it was Grayson. That drool worthy smell. But does this mean? No no!! How can you be this careless?

I tossed over to my left side to find Grayson lying right next to me, his elbow supporting his head. "OH MY GOD! GRAYSON!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled, my eyes full of horror. He smirked at me and laid on his back with his arms at the back of his head, "Well, it's my house.. and the fact that you are drooling indicates that you were dreaming about me,"

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