Unbreakable Bond

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Taehyung is the first one to wake up.He feels a stirring in his left arm knowing it's his best friend indicating that his also abaut to wake up.He cranes his neck and kisses Jimins hair. Jimin immediately leans into the kisses like he always does.

They have always been this close to each other everybody knew abaut theire strange relationship.Even during their school years the other students even the teachers had to accept their bond their not lovers but more than just normal friends.Thats how they describe their relationship.

Now when Jungguk came in the picture he always had a problem with their skin ship calling it inappropriate and unnecessary."I am your fucking boyfriend no one accept me gets to touch you like that I don't care if hes your soul mate or whatever the fuck you call each other. Got it Kim Taehyung".He screamed at Taehyungs face one time.But still they can't seem to keep their hands to themselves.

"Morning Tae Tae,sorry if I broke your arm you could've woken me to move off of you or something" Jimin says while messaging his friends arm. Taehyung smiles at him"im not complaining you have slept in my arms for as long as I can remember, so why would I start complaining now?"He says back.Jimin smiles and hops off the bed ill wash up and prepare us some breakfast OK.".jiminsang running into the toilet. "Im sorry love I can't stay you know I have head to the apartment and also, I have earlier classes. I really can't stay, next time ok". taehyung says apologetically."Aah bummer I was looking forward to spoiling you with a big korean breakfast, we had one so many years ago now its just bacon and eggs or pancakes with maple syrup I mean where is the meat". Jimin says rolling his eyes Taehyung bursts out laughing at his friends silliness.He pouts looking at the window."Dont laugh at me I'm serious". Jimin says which is the cutest thing to Taehyung."Bub don't pout please you're going to kill me with you cuteness". He says kissing on Jimins small nose and the boy almost choked face turning so red he could put a tomato to shame.He quickly runs back into the toilet leaving a puzzled Taehyung behind.

Jungguk is still lying under the covers though he is wide awake since hours. He can't sleep he's life is a mess. He can't believe his parents is so cruel.They tret him like a damn puppet.How will he tell Taehyung this or better yet how will he live without Taehyung.But how will he survive without his families money and the perks that comes with the Jeon name.

He hears the door open and he knows its hi boyfriend. He quickly sits up waiting for him to enter."Baby I've missed you". he says as soon as Taehyung enters their room.Im sorry i'm such a shit boyfriend I promise I'll do better just don't ever leave, I'm nothing without you I swear Tae". Jungguk says with tears rolling down his eyes.Taehyung is still mad at his boyfriend but he hates seeing him crying like this. He grabs him into his chest and rubbs his back to soothe him.Jungguk was now silent sobbing in his boyfriends neck."I hate the way you always smell like that midget whenever you come from his house. Do you guys sleep in one bed. Please tell me your not sleeping in the same bed".Jungguk is slowly starting to raise his voice now looking like a crazy person.Jungguk what are you trying to say, so what if we sleep in one bed we're practically brothers don't make this ugly. We're just friends we've been sleeping in one bed since we were kids".Taehyung states calmly."You're not fucking kids anymore Tae and I've told you many times he likes you more than that. I can see it he is j.."Taehyung cuts him off" Are you listening to yourself Jungguk you are mad. "Yes im mad as hell Taehyung how can you sleep in someone else's bed that is not mine your boyfriends. And you call me mad.Im gonna have a little talk with that boy he is testing me". Jungguk says through gritted teeth."No you are not Jungguk just leave him out of this okay. We had a fight were not discussing that you are rather bad mouthing my best friend who is always there for me when my boyfriend is acting like a fucking dick. Now you are making it look like I'm fucking him.You are really something you know".With that Taehyung went to the closet to grab some clothes."Where are you going Tae?" he asks watching him quickly moving around looking for his stuff."Im going to Uni do you have a problem with it.Dont worry Jimin is in dance school as you know so I won't be seeing him all day".he says in a mocking tone."Now you're being unfair okay, I was just shocked hearing all that. I'm sorry baby please really I am. Can't you like skip school today so I can make it up to you".he say with a wink and move towards Taehyung who quickly moves away. "Well not all of us are privileged enough to have rich parents". Taehyung says. "What is that suppose to mean, don't talk like that you know I'm not a spoilt brat Tae".Jungguk says almost sounding hurt."That means some of us can't afford to skip classes and still be an heir to their family business.He says putting his coat and leaves for University.Jungguk hates the fact that Taehyung brought up his family and their money. He know hes right but it's not his fault that his family is rich.He sometimes wishes he was just a normal guy. Things wouldn't have been so complicated.But he still nedds to talk to Jiminshit.He feels like Jimin is contributing to theire problems. He is sleeping alone in a cold bed without  his boyfriend in his arms,while Jimin is enjoying his warmth all over.He calls bullshit and it needs to stop.

"Jin I know but I can't leave my Taehyungie behind.He is my life I can't go without him". Jimin says on the fone."But listen this is a one in a lifetime opportunity and for as long as I've known you I've heard you talking abaut this with you're sparkling eyes.I know you love him, but he has a boyfriend and he is happy you have to leave him one day and the sooner the better.Go follow you're dreams Jimini".Jin tries to pursade his friend."Did you tell him, Taehyung I mean did you tell him Jimin?".Jin asks as if he didn't know the obvious answer already. "No.. He.. he will make me go if he finds out. He will put me on the plain himself.."Jimin says and Jin can almost see him posting through the fone." Aah Jimin you know he will so if you don't tell him I will.. He got interrupted by a shouting Jimin. "No Jini you can never do that to me I will never talk to you again, please.. please don't do this Jin. I swear I'll kill myself if you do that".Woah I'm kidding oh my god are you serious, I'm not gonna do anything like that I promise".Jin says quickly."Okay I'm going to class now and just know this I fucking hate you Jin". He says before hanging up on Jin.The said male looked at his fone puzzled and he immediately felt bad for doing that to Jimin knowing exactly how Jimin feels.

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