Father's Son

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Taehyung had always been he's father's best son, giving he is his elders son and also his only son. He has a younger sister Tae Lee. She is his little sunshine and the only memories of their mother.She is the exact replica of his late mother.Her beautiful smile and lovely personality. Mrs Kim Soni died in an fatal accident at work where the building collapsed.This was a huge tragedy where a few people lost theire lives. That was the worst year for the Kim's. Tae was barely in his teens and TaeLee was just a toddler.The house was so cold and lifeless for months, they had to pick up the pieces again. Taehyung found his strength in his best friend Jimin who was always there for him.His father had to be strong for his children,together they would overcome this and he did whatever it took to be what his kids needs.

Taehyung always told himself when he would one day have children he'd want to be like his father and be there for them through everything.

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