Make Up Your Mind

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Three months of back and forth fighting. Going to bed angry (hungry). Taehyung is so tired of this routine. Jungguk keeps on telling him that he will come clean to his parents abaut them.Graduation is coming up and Taehyung is scared that Jaungguks family will force him into marriage and hell lose him for good just because Jungguk is too scared to tell his family the truth.Taehyung had been very understanding till now because he knows how nerve wrecking this can be. Luckily for him his father is an open minded man and he loves his son as is and to be honest he think his father knew he was bi or gay before he even came out to him he's father just hugged him and told him he loves him irrespective of his sexuality.But having met the Jeons he could see that they were no way near as accepting as his father.He just hope Jungguk can find some courage to face them this time. He wanted to be with Jungguk when he does this,, but the boy screamed in his face to give him time and hell handle his family himself.So here they are three months since he decided to tell his parents and bam nothing he did nothing. He claimed they bombarded him with other useless stuff and he never gets to talk.

"Do you even love me Jungguk" Taehyung ask the boy across from him. "What, how can you ask me that of course I do Tae. What wrong with you?I know this is not so easy Tae.Our families are so different they care more abaut money and status then anything else"."So it's abaut me being poor and..."he got cut off by an angry Jungguk." Just stop it okay I didn't mean it like that and besides you're not poor your father's bussines is small but it's doing good. And thus has nothing to do with being rich or poor. I didn't fall inlove with you for money or because I pity you. I fell inlove with your stubborn head and dominating and yet sweet and funny personality.I just can't choose between the people I love the the most can't you understand it.

At Jins apartment, he and Jimin are hanging out and having some red wine enjoying the late breeze as the sun is abaut to set."You know I've been meaning to ask you about you and Taehyung. I mean is there any new developments between the two of you". Jin asks with a smirk. "Jimin looks puzzled at this strange question."I have no idea what you're saying right now, but no there is nothing and there will never be anything between us. He is happily inlove with that coconut head to even see anyone else" jin can hear the hurt in his friends words and he regrets bringing Taehyung up. "Well I'm sorry  but I think he is a little too possessive for just a friend. That's just my observation" he says and jimin looks at him thoughtfully."He is but only when it comes to you apparently". He says in a monotone."Yaah really what, why me?"Jin choked on his wine.Jimin just lifts his shoulders with a I don't know either look.They enjoy their time more and his fone rings he sees Taehyungs name flashing. Jin looks at him and winks."Hi Tae-tae what's up" he says leaning back in his chair."Whare are you huh it's late and you're still out and abaut" Taehyung says in a irritated tone. "Jimin is taken aback and stands up from the chair and walks to the door waving at Jin whom is looking confused as hell." I'll be right there okay"Jimin grabs his car keys and says a quick buy and I'll call you to Jin and storms out.Taehyung is already in his apartment he still has a key from when they still lived together before he moved in with his boyfriend.Abaut twenty minutes Jimin pulls into the apartment complex parking Taehyung watches him from the balcony. Jimin makes his way to his apartment Tobe with friend he could tell that Taehyung is stressed and he hates seeing him so stressed.He immediately ran into Taehyungs arms and held him tightly. Even thou he is smaller than Taehyung he always want the elder to find solace in him and and feel safe in his embrace."Im here now okay don't worry abaut anything I'm right here okay." jimin softly spoke into Taehyungs broad chest.Taehyung could feel how the tension and stress slowly leave his body.They stood like that for a good few minutes just smelling each other's scent and feeling each other's heartbeat. Times like these where Taehyung feels like he want to put Jimin in his pocket and hide him from the rest of the world he is just his to hold and smell and feel close to his heart. He got interrupted by Jimin swaying a bit in his arms."Love.. Are you okay. Did you have alcohol. Fuck Jimin why didn't you tell me to come get you. I let you drive like that.. He got stopped with a small hand on his lips. He doesn't know what happened but the way Jimin just looked up at him in his eyes just knocked the wind out of his lungs."Relax Taa I was just with Jini hyung we.." What you were with him he got you drunk I told you I don't trust that mother fucker"Taehyung screams at Jimin. "What are you doing"jimin asks scared as he sees Taehyung grabbing his car keys" Im showing him his place once and for all. With that he scramble out the door with poor Jimin behind him. "Tae please don't do this please we just had dinner and a few glasses of red wine you know how red wine knocks me out quickly. He didn't know I never told him I don't drink red wine only you know that. Please I'm begging you to stop" jimin screams behind an angry Taehyung.

He looks behind him and sees a tired Jimin sitting on his knees lowly speaking to himself. "Im dizzy I can't run anymore. I'm stopping now he doesn't listen to me anyways so I might as well... Jimin says between pants and holds his tummy. Taehyung quickly closes the car door and runs back to Jimin whom in kneeling on the floor. Love its okay are you hurt somewhere is it your tummy again". Taehyung asks in one go. Jimin just holds on to him not responding. When they arrive at the apartment Taehyung could tell that Jimin had fallen asleep he heard faint snores and steady breathing.He goes straight to the bedroom and drops him on the bed.He looks at his friends puffy eyes and red nose and tear stained cheeks. "Fuck did I make him cry". Taehyung feels like a monster for causing his friend to shed tears. "Love I didn't mean it I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot. Why am I like this I keep on taking my frustration ms out on the wrong person.He bends down and kisses Jimins cheeks and nose.He stands up to remove Jimins clothing cause there is no way that this leather pants and top with a thousand buttons can be comfortable.He starts to take off his pants his breath got stuck when he sees Jimins milky thighs but that's not all he sees Jimin is not wearing any boxers just a tiny jockey underneath his pants.He feels like a pervert but he can't stop staring at this beautiful being in front of him. He continues to undress him hearing faint whimpers from him to realize that jimin is indeed naked and its quite cool.He runs to his closet to get a pair of boxers and a plain white long t shirt.He quickly puts it on Jimin and go in the bathroom to ge a wet warm cloth. He comes back with it and and gets on the bed he slowly began to wipe Jimins face to rid the tears and puffyness. He looks at Jimins beautiful face small nose plump lips. He does not know why he feels like he can kill Jin for liking Jimin because he wants his friend to be happy. But yet he can't fantom the idea of someone close to his best friend.He takes off his jacket and throws it where he shoes is laying and gets the covers to put it over the both of them. He gets in behind Jimin and in seconds he feels Jimin snuggle closer to him. He does not know but this never happened but these days he is so much more aware of Jimin and even his body is painfully aware of Jimin and he hates it he doesn't want Jimin to think he's a pervert or something so he just move to lay on his back.After long hours he finally drifts into a slumber.

Jungguk is currently with his best friend Naaajoon having a few bears."Well man I don't know what to do in your situation but it's pretty fucked up I mean if you choose your family you loose Taehyung and if not you loose your family and all the perks that comes along with it too.You should think carefully man" Naamjoon say to his best friend."He is getting impatient with me though, he says i don't love him and shit."Jungguk sighs."And the worst thing is he keeps on running to his bitch Jimin whenever he is mad at me."I know he is probably sleeping at his place tonight like he always does".
"Do you think the two of them could you know..?" Naamjoon asks."Nah I know Jimin likes Taehyung more than friends, but Tae is just oblivious to that matter. But I know Taehyung only loves me he can never cheat or even think abaut leaving me Jungguk says confidently.

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